
The OCaml Planet

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Representing pattern-matching with GADTs

Here is a little programming pearl. I’ve been wanting to work on pattern-matching for a while now, and it seems like I will finally have this opportunity here at my new (academic) home, McGil…

11 Apr 2014

Matthias Puech

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React 1.0.0

02 Apr 2014

Daniel Bünzli

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The Generic Syntax Extension

OCaml 4.01 with its new feature to disambiguate constructors allows to do a nice trick: a simple and generic syntax extension that allows to define your own syntax without having to write complicated parsetree transformers. We propose an implementation in the form of a ppx rewriter. it does only a s...

01 Apr 2014


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OCamlPro Highlights: Feb 2014

Here is a short report of some of our activities in February 2014 ! Displaying what OPAM is doing After releasing version 1.1.1, we have been very busy preparing the next big things for OPAM. We have also steadily been improving stability and usability, with a focus on friendly messages: for example...

05 Mar 2014


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GUI Event Handling with a Functional Hierarchical State Machine

A journey toward a state-machine without mutable state, but enough flexibility to express GUI behaviors. This is nothing new in it's parts...

04 Mar 2014

Cranial Burnout

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A Component-based GUI with Functional Flavour

An example of the GUI in use. There are plenty of existing GUIs -- why write my own? Two technical reasons: To have a rendering ba...

04 Mar 2014

Cranial Burnout

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