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OPAM 1.2: Repository Pinning

Most package managers support some pin functionality to ensure that a given package remains at a particular version without being upgraded. The stable OPAM 1.1 already supported this by allowing any existing package to be pinned to a target, which could be a specific released version, a local filesy...

19 Aug 2014


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OPAM 1.2.0 public beta released

It has only been 18 months since the first release of OPAM, but it is already difficult to remember a time when we did OCaml development without it. OPAM has helped bring together much of the open-source code in the OCaml community under a single umbrella, making it easier to discover, depend on, a...

14 Aug 2014


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The ML Workshop looks fantastic

I’m a little biased, by being on the steering committee, but this year’s MLworkshop looks really interesting. Here’s a link to the program:

31 Jul 2014

Jane Street Tech Blog

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libguestfs now works on 64 bit ARM

Pictured above is my 64 bit ARM server. It’s under NDA so I cannot tell you who supplied it or even show you a proper photo. However it runs Fedora 21 & Rawhide: Linux arm64.home.annexia.…

23 Jul 2014

Richard Jones

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