OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2018

St. Louis, Missouri, USA

OCaml 2018 will be held on September 27th, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, colocated with ICFP 2018.

31 May 2018
Abstract submission deadline (any timezone)
27 Sep 2018
OCaml Workshop

All Presentations

Title Authors Resources
Abusing Format for fun and profits Gabriel Radanne, Frédéric Bour
MLExplain Kévin Le Bon, Alan Schmitt
OCaml on the ESP32 chip: Well-Typed Lightbulbs Await Lucas Pluvinage, Sadiq Jaffer, Anil Madhavapeddy
R&B: Towards bringing functional programming to everyday's web programmer Hongbo Zhang, Cristiano Calcagno, Jordan Walke, Cheng Lou, Rick Vetter
RFCs, all the way down! Romain Calascibetta
Relit: Implementing Typed Literal Macros in Reason Charles Chamberlain, Cyrus Omar
The OCaml Platform 1.0 Anil Madhavapeddy, Gemma Gordon
The OCaml Software Foundation Michel Mauny, Yann Régis-Gianas
The Vecosek Ecosystem Sebastien Mondet
This PDF is an OCaml bytecode Gabriel Radanne
Wall: rendering vector graphics with OCaml and OpenGL Frédéric Bour
Winning on Windows: porting the OCaml Platform David Allsopp

Workshop Details

Program Committee
Andrew Kennedy (Facebook, London), Stephen Dolan (University of Cambridge, UK), Clark Gaebel (Jane Street), Nicolás Ojeda Bär (LexiFi), Jonathan Protzenko (Microsoft Research Redmond, USA), Gabriel Scherer (INRIA Saclay, France), Kanae Tsushima (National Institute of Informatics, Japan), John Whitington (University of Leicester, UK)

Some Videos

R&B: Towards bringing functional programming to everyday's web programmer
Relit: Implementing Typed Literal Macros in Reason
Wall: rendering vector graphics with OCaml and OpenGL
Winning on Windows: porting the OCaml Platform