package bls12-381
include Bls12_381_gen.G2.BASE with type Scalar.t = Fr.t
include Bls12_381_gen.Elliptic_curve_sig.T with type Scalar.t = Fr.t
module Scalar : Ff_sig.BASE with type t = Fr.t
val empty : unit -> t
Create an empty value to store an element of the curve. DO NOT USE THIS TO DO COMPUTATIONS WITH, UNDEFINED BEHAVIORS MAY HAPPEN
Check if a point, represented as a byte array, is on the curve *
val of_bytes_opt : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> t option
Attempt to construct a point from a byte array
val of_bytes_exn : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> t
Attempt to construct a point from a byte array. Raise Not_on_curve
if the point is not on the curve
val to_bytes : t -> Stdlib.Bytes.t
Return a representation in bytes
val zero : t
Zero of the elliptic curve
val one : t
A fixed generator of the elliptic curve
val is_zero : t -> bool
Return true
if the given element is zero
val random : ?state:Stdlib.Random.State.t -> unit -> t
Generate a random element
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)">