package base

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Exn] or [Backtrace] instead.
  • deprecated [2016-09] this element comes from the stdlib distributed with OCaml. Use [Exn] or [Backtrace] instead.
val to_string : exn -> string
val print : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val catch : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val print_backtrace : Pervasives.out_channel -> unit
val get_backtrace : unit -> string
val record_backtrace : bool -> unit
val backtrace_status : unit -> bool
val register_printer : (exn -> string option) -> unit
type raw_backtrace = Printexc.raw_backtrace
val get_raw_backtrace : unit -> raw_backtrace
val print_raw_backtrace : Pervasives.out_channel -> raw_backtrace -> unit
val raw_backtrace_to_string : raw_backtrace -> string
val raise_with_backtrace : exn -> raw_backtrace -> 'a
val get_callstack : int -> raw_backtrace
val set_uncaught_exception_handler : (exn -> raw_backtrace -> unit) -> unit
type backtrace_slot = Printexc.backtrace_slot
val backtrace_slots : raw_backtrace -> backtrace_slot array option
type location = Printexc.location = {
  1. filename : string;
  2. line_number : int;
  3. start_char : int;
  4. end_char : int;
module Slot : sig ... end
type raw_backtrace_slot = Printexc.raw_backtrace_slot
val raw_backtrace_length : raw_backtrace -> int
val get_raw_backtrace_slot : raw_backtrace -> int -> raw_backtrace_slot
val convert_raw_backtrace_slot : raw_backtrace_slot -> backtrace_slot
val get_raw_backtrace_next_slot : raw_backtrace_slot -> raw_backtrace_slot option
val exn_slot_id : exn -> int
val exn_slot_name : exn -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.