package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val int_of_file_descr : Unix.file_descr -> int
val file_descr_of_int : int -> Unix.file_descr
val sysconf_open_max : unit -> int
val get_nonblock : Unix.file_descr -> bool
val fchdir : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val fdopendir : Unix.file_descr -> Unix.dir_handle
val realpath : string -> string
val getpgid : int -> int
val getpgrp : unit -> int
val setpgid : int -> int -> unit
val setpgrp : unit -> unit
val tcgetpgrp : Unix.file_descr -> int
val tcsetpgrp : Unix.file_descr -> int -> unit
val ctermid : unit -> string
val ttyname : Unix.file_descr -> string
val getsid : int -> int
val with_tty : (Unix.file_descr -> unit) -> unit
val tty_read_password : ?tty:Unix.file_descr -> string -> string
val posix_openpt : bool -> Unix.file_descr
val grantpt : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val unlockpt : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val ptsname : Unix.file_descr -> string
type node_type =
  1. | S_IFREG
  2. | S_IFCHR of int
  3. | S_IFBLK of int
  4. | S_IFIFO
  5. | S_IFSOCK
val mknod : string -> int -> node_type -> unit
val setreuid : int -> int -> unit
val setregid : int -> int -> unit
val initgroups : string -> int -> unit
val have_at : unit -> bool
val at_fdcwd : Unix.file_descr
type at_flag =
val openat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> Unix.open_flag list -> Unix.file_perm -> Unix.file_descr
val faccessat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> Unix.access_permission list -> at_flag list -> unit
val mkdirat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int -> unit
val renameat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit
val linkat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> Unix.file_descr -> string -> at_flag list -> unit
val unlinkat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> at_flag list -> unit
val symlinkat : string -> Unix.file_descr -> string -> unit
val mkfifoat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> int -> unit
val readlinkat : Unix.file_descr -> string -> string
type poll_array
type poll_req_events
type poll_act_events
type poll_cell = {
  1. mutable poll_fd : Unix.file_descr;
  2. mutable poll_req_events : poll_req_events;
  3. mutable poll_act_events : poll_act_events;
val have_poll : unit -> bool
val poll_req_events : bool -> bool -> bool -> poll_req_events
val poll_req_triple : poll_req_events -> bool * bool * bool
val poll_null_events : unit -> poll_act_events
val poll_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val poll_rd_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val poll_wr_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val poll_pri_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val poll_err_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val poll_hup_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val poll_nval_result : poll_act_events -> bool
val create_poll_array : int -> poll_array
val set_poll_cell : poll_array -> int -> poll_cell -> unit
val get_poll_cell : poll_array -> int -> poll_cell
val blit_poll_array : poll_array -> int -> poll_array -> int -> int -> unit
val poll_array_length : poll_array -> int
val poll : poll_array -> int -> float -> int
val restarting_poll : poll_array -> int -> float -> int
val poll_single : Unix.file_descr -> bool -> bool -> bool -> float -> bool
val int_of_req_events : poll_req_events -> int
val int_of_act_events : poll_act_events -> int
val req_events_of_int : int -> poll_req_events
val act_events_of_int : int -> poll_act_events
val const_rd_event : int
val const_wr_event : int
val const_pri_event : int
val const_err_event : int
val const_hup_event : int
val const_nval_event : int
type event_aggregator
type event_source
val have_event_aggregation : unit -> bool
val create_event_aggregator : bool -> event_aggregator
val destroy_event_aggregator : event_aggregator -> unit
val fd_event_source : Unix.file_descr -> poll_req_events -> event_source
val modify_fd_event_source : event_source -> poll_req_events -> unit
val get_fd_of_event_source : event_source -> Unix.file_descr
val act_events_of_event_source : event_source -> poll_act_events
val add_event_source : event_aggregator -> event_source -> unit
val del_event_source : event_aggregator -> event_source -> unit
val interrupt_event_aggregator : event_aggregator -> unit
val push_event_updates : event_aggregator -> unit
val poll_event_sources : event_aggregator -> float -> event_source list
val event_aggregator_fd : event_aggregator -> Unix.file_descr
class type post_fork_handler = object ... end
val register_post_fork_handler : post_fork_handler -> unit
val remove_post_fork_handler : post_fork_handler -> unit
val run_post_fork_handlers : unit -> unit
type wd_spec =
  1. | Wd_keep
  2. | Wd_chdir of string
  3. | Wd_fchdir of Unix.file_descr
type pg_spec =
  1. | Pg_keep
  2. | Pg_new_bg_group
  3. | Pg_new_fg_group
  4. | Pg_join_group of int
type fd_action =
  1. | Fda_close of Unix.file_descr
  2. | Fda_close_ignore of Unix.file_descr
  3. | Fda_close_except of bool array
  4. | Fda_dup2 of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
type sig_action =
  1. | Sig_default of int
  2. | Sig_ignore of int
  3. | Sig_mask of int list
val spawn : ?chdir:wd_spec -> ?pg:pg_spec -> ?fd_actions:fd_action list -> ?sig_actions:sig_action list -> ?env:string array -> ?no_posix_spawn:bool -> string -> string array -> int
type not_event
val create_event : unit -> not_event
val set_nonblock_event : not_event -> unit
val get_event_fd : not_event -> Unix.file_descr
val set_event : not_event -> unit
val wait_event : not_event -> unit
val consume_event : not_event -> unit
val destroy_event : not_event -> unit
val report_signal_as_event : not_event -> int -> unit
type watched_subprocess
val watch_subprocess : int -> int -> bool -> Unix.file_descr * watched_subprocess
val ignore_subprocess : watched_subprocess -> unit
val forget_subprocess : watched_subprocess -> unit
val get_subprocess_status : watched_subprocess -> Unix.process_status option
val kill_subprocess : int -> watched_subprocess -> unit
val killpg_subprocess : int -> watched_subprocess -> unit
val kill_all_subprocesses : int -> bool -> bool -> unit
val killpg_all_subprocesses : int -> bool -> unit
val install_subprocess_handler : unit -> unit
val register_subprocess_handler : unit -> unit
type level = Netlog.level
type syslog_facility = [
  1. | `Authpriv
  2. | `Cron
  3. | `Daemon
  4. | `Default
  5. | `Ftp
  6. | `Kern
  7. | `Local0
  8. | `Local1
  9. | `Local2
  10. | `Local3
  11. | `Local4
  12. | `Local5
  13. | `Local6
  14. | `Local7
  15. | `Lpr
  16. | `Mail
  17. | `News
  18. | `Syslog
  19. | `User
  20. | `Uucp
type syslog_option = [
  1. | `Cons
  2. | `Ndelay
  3. | `Nowait
  4. | `Odelay
  5. | `Pid
val openlog : string option -> syslog_option list -> syslog_facility -> unit
val syslog : syslog_facility -> level -> string -> unit
val closelog : unit -> unit
val fsync : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val fdatasync : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val have_fadvise : unit -> bool
type advice =
val fadvise : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> int64 -> advice -> unit
val have_fallocate : unit -> bool
val fallocate : Unix.file_descr -> int64 -> int64 -> unit
val have_posix_shm : unit -> bool
type shm_open_flag =
  2. | SHM_O_RDWR
  3. | SHM_O_CREAT
  4. | SHM_O_EXCL
  5. | SHM_O_TRUNC
val shm_open : string -> shm_open_flag list -> int -> Unix.file_descr
val shm_create : string -> int -> Unix.file_descr * string
val have_named_posix_semaphores : unit -> bool
val have_anon_posix_semaphores : unit -> bool
val have_posix_semaphores : unit -> bool
val sem_value_max : int
val sem_size : int
type sem_kind = [
  1. | `Anonymous
  2. | `Named
type 'sem_kind semaphore
type named_semaphore = [ `Named ] semaphore
type anon_semaphore = [ `Anonymous ] semaphore
type sem_open_flag =
  1. | SEM_O_CREAT
  2. | SEM_O_EXCL
val sem_open : string -> sem_open_flag list -> int -> int -> named_semaphore
val sem_close : named_semaphore -> unit
val sem_create : string -> int -> named_semaphore * string
val sem_init : Netsys_types.memory -> int -> bool -> int -> anon_semaphore
val sem_destroy : anon_semaphore -> unit
val as_sem : Netsys_types.memory -> int -> anon_semaphore
val sem_getvalue : 'kind semaphore -> int
val sem_post : 'kind semaphore -> unit
type sem_wait_behavior =
val sem_wait : 'kind semaphore -> sem_wait_behavior -> unit
type langinfo = {
  1. nl_CODESET : string;
  2. nl_D_T_FMT : string;
  3. nl_D_FMT : string;
  4. nl_T_FMT : string;
  5. nl_T_FMT_AMPM : string;
  6. nl_AM_STR : string;
  7. nl_PM_STR : string;
  8. nl_DAY_1 : string;
  9. nl_DAY_2 : string;
  10. nl_DAY_3 : string;
  11. nl_DAY_4 : string;
  12. nl_DAY_5 : string;
  13. nl_DAY_6 : string;
  14. nl_DAY_7 : string;
  15. nl_ABDAY_1 : string;
  16. nl_ABDAY_2 : string;
  17. nl_ABDAY_3 : string;
  18. nl_ABDAY_4 : string;
  19. nl_ABDAY_5 : string;
  20. nl_ABDAY_6 : string;
  21. nl_ABDAY_7 : string;
  22. nl_MON_1 : string;
  23. nl_MON_2 : string;
  24. nl_MON_3 : string;
  25. nl_MON_4 : string;
  26. nl_MON_5 : string;
  27. nl_MON_6 : string;
  28. nl_MON_7 : string;
  29. nl_MON_8 : string;
  30. nl_MON_9 : string;
  31. nl_MON_10 : string;
  32. nl_MON_11 : string;
  33. nl_MON_12 : string;
  34. nl_ABMON_1 : string;
  35. nl_ABMON_2 : string;
  36. nl_ABMON_3 : string;
  37. nl_ABMON_4 : string;
  38. nl_ABMON_5 : string;
  39. nl_ABMON_6 : string;
  40. nl_ABMON_7 : string;
  41. nl_ABMON_8 : string;
  42. nl_ABMON_9 : string;
  43. nl_ABMON_10 : string;
  44. nl_ABMON_11 : string;
  45. nl_ABMON_12 : string;
  46. nl_ERA : string;
  47. nl_ERA_D_FMT : string;
  48. nl_ERA_D_T_FMT : string;
  49. nl_ERA_T_FMT : string;
  50. nl_ALT_DIGITS : string;
  51. nl_RADIXCHAR : string;
  52. nl_THOUSEP : string;
  53. nl_YESEXPR : string;
  54. nl_NOEXPR : string;
  55. nl_CRNCYSTR : string;
val query_langinfo : string -> langinfo
type timespec = float * int
val nanosleep : timespec -> timespec Stdlib.ref -> unit
type clock_id
type clock =
  3. | CLOCK_ID of clock_id
val clock_gettime : clock -> timespec
val clock_settime : clock -> timespec -> unit
val clock_getres : clock -> timespec
val clock_getcpuclockid : int -> clock_id
type posix_timer
type timer_expiration =
  1. | TEXP_NONE
  2. | TEXP_EVENT of not_event
  4. | TEXP_SIGNAL of int
val have_posix_timer : unit -> bool
val timer_create : clock -> timer_expiration -> posix_timer
val timer_settime : posix_timer -> bool -> timespec -> timespec -> unit
val timer_gettime : posix_timer -> timespec
val timer_delete : posix_timer -> unit
val timer_event : posix_timer -> not_event
val have_ioprio : unit -> bool
type ioprio_target =
  1. | Ioprio_process of int
  2. | Ioprio_pgrp of int
  3. | Ioprio_user of int
type ioprio =
  1. | Noprio
  2. | Real_time of int
  3. | Best_effort of int
  4. | Idle
val ioprio_get : ioprio_target -> ioprio
val ioprio_set : ioprio_target -> ioprio -> unit
module Debug : sig ... end
val get_event_fd_nodup : not_event -> Unix.file_descr

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