package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
exception Malformed_code
exception Cannot_represent of int
type encoding = [
  1. | `Enc_adobe_standard_encoding
  2. | `Enc_adobe_symbol_encoding
  3. | `Enc_adobe_zapf_dingbats_encoding
  4. | `Enc_asn1_T61
  5. | `Enc_asn1_iso646
  6. | `Enc_asn1_printable
  7. | `Enc_cp037
  8. | `Enc_cp1006
  9. | `Enc_cp1026
  10. | `Enc_cp1047
  11. | `Enc_cp424
  12. | `Enc_cp437
  13. | `Enc_cp500
  14. | `Enc_cp737
  15. | `Enc_cp775
  16. | `Enc_cp850
  17. | `Enc_cp852
  18. | `Enc_cp855
  19. | `Enc_cp856
  20. | `Enc_cp857
  21. | `Enc_cp860
  22. | `Enc_cp861
  23. | `Enc_cp862
  24. | `Enc_cp863
  25. | `Enc_cp864
  26. | `Enc_cp865
  27. | `Enc_cp866
  28. | `Enc_cp869
  29. | `Enc_cp874
  30. | `Enc_cp875
  31. | `Enc_empty
  32. | `Enc_eucjp
  33. | `Enc_euckr
  34. | `Enc_iso88591
  35. | `Enc_iso885910
  36. | `Enc_iso885911
  37. | `Enc_iso885913
  38. | `Enc_iso885914
  39. | `Enc_iso885915
  40. | `Enc_iso885916
  41. | `Enc_iso88592
  42. | `Enc_iso88593
  43. | `Enc_iso88594
  44. | `Enc_iso88595
  45. | `Enc_iso88596
  46. | `Enc_iso88597
  47. | `Enc_iso88598
  48. | `Enc_iso88599
  49. | `Enc_java
  50. | `Enc_jis0201
  51. | `Enc_koi8r
  52. | `Enc_macroman
  53. | `Enc_subset of encoding * (int -> bool)
  54. | `Enc_usascii
  55. | `Enc_utf16
  56. | `Enc_utf16_be
  57. | `Enc_utf16_le
  58. | `Enc_utf32
  59. | `Enc_utf32_be
  60. | `Enc_utf32_le
  61. | `Enc_utf8
  62. | `Enc_utf8_opt_bom
  63. | `Enc_windows1250
  64. | `Enc_windows1251
  65. | `Enc_windows1252
  66. | `Enc_windows1253
  67. | `Enc_windows1254
  68. | `Enc_windows1255
  69. | `Enc_windows1256
  70. | `Enc_windows1257
  71. | `Enc_windows1258
type charset = [
  1. | `Set_adobe_standard_encoding
  2. | `Set_adobe_symbol_encoding
  3. | `Set_adobe_zapf_dingbats_encoding
  4. | `Set_asn1_T61
  5. | `Set_asn1_iso646
  6. | `Set_asn1_printable
  7. | `Set_cp037
  8. | `Set_cp1006
  9. | `Set_cp1026
  10. | `Set_cp1047
  11. | `Set_cp424
  12. | `Set_cp437
  13. | `Set_cp500
  14. | `Set_cp737
  15. | `Set_cp775
  16. | `Set_cp850
  17. | `Set_cp852
  18. | `Set_cp855
  19. | `Set_cp856
  20. | `Set_cp857
  21. | `Set_cp860
  22. | `Set_cp861
  23. | `Set_cp862
  24. | `Set_cp863
  25. | `Set_cp864
  26. | `Set_cp865
  27. | `Set_cp866
  28. | `Set_cp869
  29. | `Set_cp874
  30. | `Set_cp875
  31. | `Set_iso88591
  32. | `Set_iso885910
  33. | `Set_iso885911
  34. | `Set_iso885913
  35. | `Set_iso885914
  36. | `Set_iso885915
  37. | `Set_iso885916
  38. | `Set_iso88592
  39. | `Set_iso88593
  40. | `Set_iso88594
  41. | `Set_iso88595
  42. | `Set_iso88596
  43. | `Set_iso88597
  44. | `Set_iso88598
  45. | `Set_iso88599
  46. | `Set_jis0201
  47. | `Set_jis0208
  48. | `Set_jis0212
  49. | `Set_koi8r
  50. | `Set_ks1001
  51. | `Set_macroman
  52. | `Set_unicode
  53. | `Set_usascii
  54. | `Set_windows1250
  55. | `Set_windows1251
  56. | `Set_windows1252
  57. | `Set_windows1253
  58. | `Set_windows1254
  59. | `Set_windows1255
  60. | `Set_windows1256
  61. | `Set_windows1257
  62. | `Set_windows1258
val encoding_of_string : string -> encoding
val string_of_encoding : encoding -> string
val is_ascii_compatible : encoding -> bool
val is_single_byte : encoding -> bool
val same_encoding : encoding -> encoding -> bool
val byte_order_mark : encoding -> string
val makechar : encoding -> int -> string
val ustring_of_uchar : encoding -> int -> string
val to_unicode : charset -> int -> int
val from_unicode : charset -> int -> int
val available_input_encodings : unit -> encoding list
val available_output_encodings : unit -> encoding list
val user_encoding : unit -> encoding option
val win32_code_pages : (int * encoding) list
val convert : ?subst:(int -> string) -> in_enc:encoding -> out_enc:encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> string
val convert_tstring : ?subst:(int -> string) -> in_enc:encoding -> out_enc:encoding -> out_kind:'s Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> 's
val convert_poly : in_ops:'s1 Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> out_kind:'s2 Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> ?subst:(int -> string) -> in_enc:encoding -> out_enc:encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's1 -> 's2
val recode : in_enc:encoding -> in_buf:string -> in_pos:int -> in_len:int -> out_enc:encoding -> out_buf:Stdlib.Bytes.t -> out_pos:int -> out_len:int -> max_chars:int -> subst:(int -> string) -> int * int * encoding
val recode_tstring : in_enc:encoding -> in_buf:Netsys_types.tstring -> in_pos:int -> in_len:int -> out_enc:encoding -> out_buf:Stdlib.Bytes.t -> out_pos:int -> out_len:int -> max_chars:int -> subst:(int -> string) -> int * int * encoding
val recode_poly : in_ops:'s Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> in_enc:encoding -> in_buf:'s -> in_pos:int -> in_len:int -> out_enc:encoding -> out_buf:Stdlib.Bytes.t -> out_pos:int -> out_len:int -> max_chars:int -> subst:(int -> string) -> int * int * encoding
class conversion_pipe : ?subst:(int -> string) -> in_enc:encoding -> out_enc:encoding -> unit -> Netchannels.io_obj_channel
type 's poly_cursor
type cursor = string poly_cursor
exception End_of_string
exception Cursor_out_of_range
exception Partial_character
exception Byte_order_mark
val create_cursor : ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> ?initial_rel_pos:int -> encoding -> string -> cursor
val create_poly_cursor : ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> ?initial_rel_pos:int -> encoding -> 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 's -> 's poly_cursor
type !'a with_cursor_fun = {
  1. with_cursor_fun : 's. 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 's poly_cursor -> 'a;
val with_tstring_cursor : ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> ?initial_rel_pos:int -> encoding -> Netsys_types.tstring -> 'a with_cursor_fun -> 'a
val reinit_cursor : ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> ?initial_rel_pos:int -> ?enc:encoding -> 's -> 's poly_cursor -> unit
val copy_cursor : ?enc:encoding -> 's poly_cursor -> 's poly_cursor
val cursor_target : 's poly_cursor -> 's
val cursor_range : 'a poly_cursor -> int * int
val cursor_initial_rel_pos : 'a poly_cursor -> int
val cursor_char_count : 'a poly_cursor -> int
val cursor_pos : 'a poly_cursor -> int
val uchar_at : 'a poly_cursor -> int
val cursor_byte_length : 'a poly_cursor -> int
val cursor_at_end : 'a poly_cursor -> bool
val move : ?num:int -> 'a poly_cursor -> unit
val cursor_encoding : 'a poly_cursor -> encoding
val cursor_blit : 'a poly_cursor -> int array -> int -> int -> int
val cursor_blit_maxlen : 'a poly_cursor -> int
val cursor_blit_positions : 'a poly_cursor -> int array -> int -> int -> int
val ustring_length : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> int
val ustring_length_ts : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> int
val ustring_length_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> int
val ustring_iter : encoding -> (int -> unit) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> unit
val ustring_iter_ts : encoding -> (int -> unit) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> unit
val ustring_iter_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> encoding -> (int -> unit) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> unit
val ustring_map : encoding -> (int -> int list) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> string
val ustring_map_ts : encoding -> (int -> int list) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> Netsys_types.tstring
val ustring_map_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 't Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> encoding -> (int -> int list) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> 't
val ustring_to_lower : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> string
val ustring_to_lower_ts : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> Netsys_types.tstring
val ustring_to_lower_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 't Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> 't
val ustring_to_upper : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> string
val ustring_to_upper_ts : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> Netsys_types.tstring
val ustring_to_upper_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 't Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> 't
val ustring_to_title : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> string
val ustring_to_title_ts : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> Netsys_types.tstring
val ustring_to_title_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 't Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> 't
val ustring_sub : encoding -> int -> int -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> string
val ustring_sub_ts : encoding -> int -> int -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> Netsys_types.tstring
val ustring_sub_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 't Netstring_tstring.tstring_kind -> encoding -> int -> int -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> 't
val ustring_compare : encoding -> (int -> int -> int) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> int
val ustring_compare_ts : encoding -> (int -> int -> int) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> int
val ustring_compare_poly : 's1 Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> 's2 Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> encoding -> (int -> int -> int) -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's1 -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's2 -> int
val code_cmp : int -> int -> int
val ci_code_cmp : int -> int -> int
val uarray_of_ustring : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> int array
val uarray_of_ustring_ts : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> int array
val uarray_of_ustring_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> int array
val ustring_of_uarray : ?subst:(int -> string) -> encoding -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> int array -> string
exception Malformed_code_at of int
val verify : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> string -> unit
val verify_ts : encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> Netsys_types.tstring -> unit
val verify_poly : 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> encoding -> ?range_pos:int -> ?range_len:int -> 's -> unit
val big_slice : int
type poly_reader = {
  1. read : 's. 's Netstring_tstring.tstring_ops -> int array -> int array -> 's -> int -> int -> int * int * encoding;
val read_iso88591_ref : (int -> encoding -> poly_reader) Stdlib.ref
val read_iso88591 : int -> encoding -> poly_reader
val read_utf8_ref : (bool -> poly_reader) Stdlib.ref
val read_utf8 : bool -> poly_reader
val internal_name : charset -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.