package ocamlnet

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val get_full_path_name : string -> string
val get_long_path_name : string -> string
type w32_event
val create_event : unit -> w32_event
val set_event : w32_event -> unit
val reset_event : w32_event -> unit
val test_event : w32_event -> bool
val event_wait : w32_event -> float -> bool
val event_descr : w32_event -> Unix.file_descr
val wsa_event_select : w32_event -> Unix.file_descr -> Netsys_posix.poll_req_events -> unit
val wsa_maximum_wait_events : unit -> int
val wsa_wait_for_multiple_events : w32_event array -> int -> int option
val wsa_enum_network_events : Unix.file_descr -> w32_event -> Netsys_posix.poll_act_events
val real_select : Unix.file_descr list -> Unix.file_descr list -> Unix.file_descr list -> float -> Unix.file_descr list * Unix.file_descr list * Unix.file_descr list
type w32_pipe_server
type w32_pipe
type pipe_mode =
  1. | Pipe_in
  2. | Pipe_out
  3. | Pipe_duplex
val rev_mode : pipe_mode -> pipe_mode
val create_local_pipe_server : string -> pipe_mode -> int -> w32_pipe_server
val pipe_listen : w32_pipe_server -> int -> unit
val pipe_accept : w32_pipe_server -> w32_pipe
val pipe_connect : string -> pipe_mode -> w32_pipe
val pipe_pair : pipe_mode -> w32_pipe * w32_pipe
val pipe_read : w32_pipe -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
val pipe_write : w32_pipe -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
val pipe_write_string : w32_pipe -> string -> int -> int -> int
val pipe_shutdown : w32_pipe -> unit
val pipe_shutdown_server : w32_pipe_server -> unit
val pipe_connect_event : w32_pipe_server -> w32_event
val pipe_rd_event : w32_pipe -> w32_event
val pipe_wr_event : w32_pipe -> w32_event
val pipe_wait_connect : w32_pipe_server -> float -> bool
val pipe_wait_rd : w32_pipe -> float -> bool
val pipe_wait_wr : w32_pipe -> float -> bool
val pipe_server_descr : w32_pipe_server -> Unix.file_descr
val pipe_descr : w32_pipe -> Unix.file_descr
val pipe_name : w32_pipe -> string
val pipe_server_name : w32_pipe_server -> string
val pipe_mode : w32_pipe -> pipe_mode
val pipe_server_mode : w32_pipe_server -> pipe_mode
val unpredictable_pipe_name : unit -> string
type w32_input_thread
val create_input_thread : Unix.file_descr -> w32_input_thread
val input_thread_event : w32_input_thread -> w32_event
val input_thread_read : w32_input_thread -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
val cancel_input_thread : w32_input_thread -> unit
val input_thread_proxy_descr : w32_input_thread -> Unix.file_descr
type w32_output_thread
val create_output_thread : Unix.file_descr -> w32_output_thread
val output_thread_event : w32_output_thread -> w32_event
val output_thread_write : w32_output_thread -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> int -> int -> int
val output_thread_write_string : w32_output_thread -> string -> int -> int -> int
val close_output_thread : w32_output_thread -> unit
val cancel_output_thread : w32_output_thread -> unit
val output_thread_proxy_descr : w32_output_thread -> Unix.file_descr
type create_process_option =
  1. | CP_change_directory of string
  2. | CP_set_env of string
  3. | CP_std_handles of Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr * Unix.file_descr
  4. | CP_create_console
  5. | CP_detach_from_console
  6. | CP_inherit_console
  7. | CP_inherit_or_create_console
  8. | CP_unicode_environment
  9. | CP_ansi_environment
  10. | CP_new_process_group
  11. | CP_inherit_process_group
val cp_set_env : string array -> create_process_option
val search_path : string option -> string -> string option -> string
type w32_process
val create_process : string -> string -> create_process_option list -> w32_process
val close_process : w32_process -> unit
val get_process_status : w32_process -> Unix.process_status option
val as_process_event : w32_process -> w32_event
val emulated_pid : w32_process -> int
val win_pid : w32_process -> int
val process_descr : w32_process -> Unix.file_descr
val terminate_process : w32_process -> unit
val has_console : unit -> bool
val is_console : Unix.file_descr -> bool
val get_console_input : unit -> Unix.file_descr
val get_console_output : unit -> Unix.file_descr
type w32_console_attr = {
  1. mutable cursor_x : int;
  2. mutable cursor_y : int;
  3. mutable cursor_size : int;
  4. mutable cursor_visible : bool;
  5. mutable text_attr : int;
type w32_console_info = {
  1. mutable width : int;
  2. mutable height : int;
val get_console_attr : unit -> w32_console_attr
val set_console_attr : w32_console_attr -> unit
val get_console_info : unit -> w32_console_info
val fg_blue : int
val fg_green : int
val fg_red : int
val fg_intensity : int
val bg_blue : int
val bg_green : int
val bg_red : int
val bg_intensity : int
type w32_console_mode = {
  1. mutable enable_echo_input : bool;
  2. mutable enable_insert_mode : bool;
  3. mutable enable_line_input : bool;
  4. mutable enable_processed_input : bool;
  5. mutable enable_quick_edit_mode : bool;
  6. mutable enable_processed_output : bool;
  7. mutable enable_wrap_at_eol_output : bool;
val get_console_mode : unit -> w32_console_mode
val set_console_mode : w32_console_mode -> unit
val init_console_codepage : unit -> unit
val clear_until_end_of_line : unit -> unit
val clear_until_end_of_screen : unit -> unit
val clear_console : unit -> unit
val get_active_code_page : unit -> int
type w32_object =
  1. | W32_event of w32_event
  2. | W32_pipe of w32_pipe
  3. | W32_pipe_server of w32_pipe_server
  4. | W32_process of w32_process
  5. | W32_input_thread of w32_input_thread
  6. | W32_output_thread of w32_output_thread
val lookup : Unix.file_descr -> w32_object
val lookup_event : Unix.file_descr -> w32_event
val lookup_pipe : Unix.file_descr -> w32_pipe
val lookup_pipe_server : Unix.file_descr -> w32_pipe_server
val lookup_process : Unix.file_descr -> w32_process
val lookup_input_thread : Unix.file_descr -> w32_input_thread
val lookup_output_thread : Unix.file_descr -> w32_output_thread
val unregister : Unix.file_descr -> unit
val test_close_on_exec : Unix.file_descr -> bool
val modify_close_on_exec : Unix.file_descr -> bool -> unit
val is_crt_fd : Unix.file_descr -> int -> bool
val fill_random : Stdlib.Bytes.t -> unit
module Debug : sig ... end
val input_thread_descr : w32_input_thread -> Unix.file_descr
val output_thread_descr : w32_output_thread -> Unix.file_descr
val gc_proxy : unit -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.