package zelus

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module S : sig ... end

a set of causality names

module M : sig ... end

and a module to represent the successors of a causality variable

val type_name : Zmisc.name_assoc_table
val info : -> string
val polarity : Defcaus.polarity -> string
val useful : bool -> string
val level : int -> string
val extra : Defcaus.t -> string
val caus : Format.formatter -> Defcaus.t -> unit
val caus_list : Format.formatter -> Defcaus.t list -> unit
val caus_by_name : Format.formatter -> Defcaus.t -> unit
val ptype : Format.formatter -> -> unit
val set : Format.formatter -> S.t -> unit
val relation : Format.formatter -> (Defcaus.t * Defcaus.t list) list -> unit
val scheme : Format.formatter -> Defcaus.tc_scheme -> unit
val cycle : bool -> Format.formatter -> Defcaus.t list -> unit
val declaration : Format.formatter -> string -> Defcaus.tc_scheme -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.