package zanuda

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Matching combinators for Typedtree.

Inspired by Ppxlib.Ast_pattern module.

Generic combinators

type ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val parse : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> Location.t -> ?on_error:(string -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c

Matches a value against a pattern.

module Packed : sig ... end
val as__ : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'a -> 'b, 'c) t
val __ : ('a, 'a -> 'b, 'b) t

Pattern that captures its input.

val __' : ('a, 'a Location.loc -> 'b, 'b) t

Pattern that captures its input with location.

val drop : ('a, 'b, 'b) t
val nil : ('a list, 'b, 'b) t
val (^::) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a list, 'c, 'd) t -> ('a list, 'b, 'd) t
val none : ('a option, 'b, 'b) t
val some : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a option, 'b, 'c) t
val pair : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('d, 'c, 'e) t -> ('a * 'd, 'b, 'e) t
val (**) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('d, 'c, 'e) t -> ('a * 'd, 'b, 'e) t
val (|||) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val loc : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('a Location.loc, 'b, 'c) t
val (>>|) : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> ('d -> 'b) -> ('a, 'd, 'c) t

Mapping results of applying pattern-combinator

val map : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f:('d -> 'b) -> ('a, 'd, 'c) t
val map0 : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f:'d -> ('a, 'd -> 'b, 'c) t
val map1 : ('a, 'b -> 'c, 'd) t -> f:('b -> 'e) -> ('a, 'e -> 'c, 'd) t
val map2 : ('a, 'b -> 'c -> 'd, 'e) t -> f:('b -> 'c -> 'f) -> ('a, 'f -> 'd, 'e) t
val map3 : ('a, 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e, 'f) t -> f:('b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'g) -> ('a, 'g -> 'e, 'f) t
val map4 : ('a, 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f, 'g) t -> f:('b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'h) -> ('a, 'h -> 'f, 'g) t
val map5 : ('a, 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g, 'h) t -> f:('b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'i) -> ('a, 'i -> 'g, 'h) t
val map_result : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> f:('c -> 'd) -> ('a, 'b, 'd) t
val int : int -> (int, 'a, 'a) t
val string : string -> (string, 'a, 'a) t
val lident : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) t
val elongident : Longident.t -> (Longident.t, 'a, 'a) t
val path : string list -> (Path.t, 'a, 'a) t
val path_pident : (Ident.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Path.t, 'a, 'b) t
val eint : (int, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val ebool : (Typedtree.expression, bool -> 'a, 'a) t
val estring : (Typedtree.expression, string -> 'a, 'a) t
val econst : (Asttypes.constant, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t

Typedtree-specific combinators

val nolabel : (Asttypes.arg_label, 'a, 'a) t
val labelled : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Asttypes.arg_label, 'a, 'b) t
val tpat_var : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t
val tpat_constructor : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.pattern list, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.pattern, 'a, 'c) t
val tpat_value : (value_pat, 'a, 'b) t -> (comp_pat, 'a, 'b) t
val tpat_exception : (value_pat, 'a, 'b) t -> (comp_pat, 'a, 'b) t
val tpat_any : (value_pat, 'a, 'a) t
val pident : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Path.t, 'a, 'b) t
val texp_ident : (Path.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t

Trying to parse identifier with a given path. Beware that standard function are locted implicitly in Stdlib module. For example

texp_ident (path "&&" ) (* WRONG *) texp_ident (path "Stdlib"; "&&" ) (* CORRECT *)

val texp_ident_typ : (Path.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Types.type_expr, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_assert : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val texp_apply : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> ((Asttypes.arg_label * Typedtree.expression option) list, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_apply1 : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_apply2 : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'c, 'd) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'd) t
val texp_apply_nolabelled : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression list, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_function : (case_val list, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t
val case : (Typedtree.pattern, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression option, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'c, 'd) t -> (case_val, 'a, 'd) t
val ccase : (comp_pat, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression option, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'c, 'd) t -> (case_comp, 'a, 'd) t
val texp_construct : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Types.constructor_description, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression list, 'c, 'd) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'd) t
val texp_match : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (case_comp list, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_ite : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression option, 'c, 'd) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'd) t
val texp_try : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (case_val list, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_record : (Typedtree.expression option, 'a, 'b) t -> ((Types.label_description * Typedtree.record_label_definition) array, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_field : (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'b) t -> (Types.label_description, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'c) t
val texp_assert_false : unit -> (Typedtree.expression, 'a, 'a) t
val label_desc : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Types.label_description, 'a, 'b) t
val rld_kept : (Typedtree.record_label_definition, 'a, 'a) t
val rld_overriden : (Longident.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.expression, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.record_label_definition, 'a, 'c) t
val typ_constr : (Path.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Types.type_expr list, 'b, 'c) t -> (Types.type_expr, 'a, 'c) t
val typ_arrow : (Types.type_expr, 'a, 'b) t -> (Types.type_expr, 'b, 'c) t -> (Types.type_expr, 'a, 'c) t
val core_typ : (Types.type_expr, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.core_type, 'a, 'b) t
val tstr_attribute : (Typedtree.attribute, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) t
val tsig_attribute : (Typedtree.attribute, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) t
val tsig_val_name : (Ident.t, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) t
val attribute : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Parsetree.payload, 'b, 'c) t -> (Typedtree.attribute, 'a, 'c) t
val tstr_docattr : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.structure_item, 'a, 'b) t
val tsig_docattr : (string, 'a, 'b) t -> (Typedtree.signature_item, 'a, 'b) t
type context
val of_func : (context -> Location.t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b, 'c) t
val to_func : ('a, 'b, 'c) t -> context -> Location.t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
val fail : Warnings.loc -> string -> 'a

Innovation. Community. Security.