package yurt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Body = Cohttp_lwt.Body
module Request = Cohttp_lwt_unix.Request
module Response = Cohttp.Response
module Header = Cohttp.Header
type status_code = Cohttp.Code.status_code
and request = Request.t
and response = (Response.t * Body.t) Lwt.t

Response type

and endpoint = Request.t -> Route.params -> Body.t -> response

HTTP handler

val query_all : Request.t -> (string * string list) list
val query : Request.t -> (string, string list) Hashtbl.t
val query_json : Request.t -> Ezjsonm.t
val query_string : Request.t -> string -> string option
val query_int : Request.t -> string -> int option
val query_float : Request.t -> string -> float option

Innovation. Community. Security.