package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type attr =
  1. | ATstr of Ident.attribute
  2. | ATpos of Loc.position
type ident = {
  1. id_str : string;
  2. id_ats : attr list;
  3. id_loc : Loc.position;
type qualid =
  1. | Qident of ident
  2. | Qdot of qualid * ident
type pty =
  1. | PTtyvar of ident
  2. | PTtyapp of qualid * pty list
  3. | PTtuple of pty list
  4. | PTref of pty list
  5. | PTarrow of pty * pty
  6. | PTscope of qualid * pty
  7. | PTparen of pty
  8. | PTpure of pty
type ghost = bool
type pattern = {
  1. pat_desc : pat_desc;
  2. pat_loc : Loc.position;
and pat_desc =
  1. | Pwild
  2. | Pvar of ident
  3. | Papp of qualid * pattern list
  4. | Prec of (qualid * pattern) list
  5. | Ptuple of pattern list
  6. | Pas of pattern * ident * ghost
  7. | Por of pattern * pattern
  8. | Pcast of pattern * pty
  9. | Pscope of qualid * pattern
  10. | Pparen of pattern
  11. | Pghost of pattern
type binder = Loc.position * ident option * ghost * pty option
type param = Loc.position * ident option * ghost * pty
type term = {
  1. term_desc : term_desc;
  2. term_loc : Loc.position;
and term_desc =
  1. | Ttrue
  2. | Tfalse
  3. | Tconst of Constant.constant
  4. | Tident of qualid
  5. | Tasref of qualid
  6. | Tidapp of qualid * term list
  7. | Tapply of term * term
  8. | Tinfix of term * ident * term
  9. | Tinnfix of term * ident * term
  10. | Tbinop of term * Dterm.dbinop * term
  11. | Tbinnop of term * Dterm.dbinop * term
  12. | Tnot of term
  13. | Tif of term * term * term
  14. | Tquant of Dterm.dquant * binder list * term list list * term
  15. | Tattr of attr * term
  16. | Tlet of ident * term * term
  17. | Tcase of term * (pattern * term) list
  18. | Tcast of term * pty
  19. | Ttuple of term list
  20. | Trecord of (qualid * term) list
  21. | Tupdate of term * (qualid * term) list
  22. | Tscope of qualid * term
  23. | Tat of term * ident
type invariant = term list
type variant = (term * qualid option) list
type pre = term
type post = Loc.position * (pattern * term) list
type xpost = Loc.position * (qualid * (pattern * term) option) list
type spec = {
  1. sp_pre : pre list;
  2. sp_post : post list;
  3. sp_xpost : xpost list;
  4. sp_reads : qualid list;
  5. sp_writes : term list;
  6. sp_alias : (term * term) list;
  7. sp_variant : variant;
  8. sp_checkrw : bool;
  9. sp_diverge : bool;
  10. sp_partial : bool;
type expr = {
  1. expr_desc : expr_desc;
  2. expr_loc : Loc.position;
and expr_desc =
  1. | Eref
  2. | Etrue
  3. | Efalse
  4. | Econst of Constant.constant
  5. | Eident of qualid
  6. | Easref of qualid
  7. | Eidapp of qualid * expr list
  8. | Eapply of expr * expr
  9. | Einfix of expr * ident * expr
  10. | Einnfix of expr * ident * expr
  11. | Elet of ident * ghost * Expr.rs_kind * expr * expr
  12. | Erec of fundef list * expr
  13. | Efun of binder list * pty option * pattern * Ity.mask * spec * expr
  14. | Eany of param list * Expr.rs_kind * pty option * pattern * Ity.mask * spec
  15. | Etuple of expr list
  16. | Erecord of (qualid * expr) list
  17. | Eupdate of expr * (qualid * expr) list
  18. | Eassign of (expr * qualid option * expr) list
  19. | Esequence of expr * expr
  20. | Eif of expr * expr * expr
  21. | Ewhile of expr * invariant * variant * expr
  22. | Eand of expr * expr
  23. | Eor of expr * expr
  24. | Enot of expr
  25. | Ematch of expr * reg_branch list * exn_branch list
  26. | Eabsurd
  27. | Epure of term
  28. | Eidpur of qualid
  29. | Eraise of qualid * expr option
  30. | Eexn of ident * pty * Ity.mask * expr
  31. | Eoptexn of ident * Ity.mask * expr
  32. | Efor of ident * expr * Expr.for_direction * expr * invariant * expr
  33. | Eassert of Expr.assertion_kind * term
  34. | Escope of qualid * expr
  35. | Elabel of ident * expr
  36. | Ecast of expr * pty
  37. | Eghost of expr
  38. | Eattr of attr * expr
and reg_branch = pattern * expr
and exn_branch = qualid * pattern option * expr
and fundef = ident * ghost * Expr.rs_kind * binder list * pty option * pattern * Ity.mask * spec * expr
type field = {
  1. f_loc : Loc.position;
  2. f_ident : ident;
  3. f_pty : pty;
  4. f_mutable : bool;
  5. f_ghost : bool;
type type_def =
  1. | TDalias of pty
  2. | TDalgebraic of (Loc.position * ident * param list) list
  3. | TDrecord of field list
  4. | TDrange of BigInt.t * BigInt.t
  5. | TDfloat of int * int
type visibility =
  1. | Public
  2. | Private
  3. | Abstract
type type_decl = {
  1. td_loc : Loc.position;
  2. td_ident : ident;
  3. td_params : ident list;
  4. td_vis : visibility;
  5. td_mut : bool;
  6. td_inv : invariant;
  7. td_wit : (qualid * expr) list;
  8. td_def : type_def;
type logic_decl = {
  1. ld_loc : Loc.position;
  2. ld_ident : ident;
  3. ld_params : param list;
  4. ld_type : pty option;
  5. ld_def : term option;
type ind_decl = {
  1. in_loc : Loc.position;
  2. in_ident : ident;
  3. in_params : param list;
  4. in_def : (Loc.position * ident * term) list;
type metarg =
  1. | Mty of pty
  2. | Mfs of qualid
  3. | Mps of qualid
  4. | Max of qualid
  5. | Mlm of qualid
  6. | Mgl of qualid
  7. | Mval of qualid
  8. | Mstr of string
  9. | Mint of int
type clone_subst =
  1. | CStsym of qualid * ident list * pty
  2. | CSfsym of qualid * qualid
  3. | CSpsym of qualid * qualid
  4. | CSvsym of qualid * qualid
  5. | CSxsym of qualid * qualid
  6. | CSprop of Decl.prop_kind
  7. | CSaxiom of qualid
  8. | CSlemma of qualid
  9. | CSgoal of qualid
type decl =
  1. | Dtype of type_decl list
  2. | Dlogic of logic_decl list
  3. | Dind of Decl.ind_sign * ind_decl list
  4. | Dprop of Decl.prop_kind * ident * term
  5. | Dlet of ident * ghost * Expr.rs_kind * expr
  6. | Drec of fundef list
  7. | Dexn of ident * pty * Ity.mask
  8. | Dmeta of ident * metarg list
  9. | Dcloneexport of qualid * clone_subst list
  10. | Duseexport of qualid
  11. | Dcloneimport of Loc.position * bool * qualid * ident option * clone_subst list
  12. | Duseimport of Loc.position * bool * (qualid * ident option) list
  13. | Dimport of qualid
  14. | Dscope of Loc.position * bool * ident * decl list
type mlw_file =
  1. | Modules of (ident * decl list) list
  2. | Decls of decl list

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