You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
exception AlreadyConnected
exception ConnectionError of string
val connect_external : string -> unit
val connect_internal : unit -> unit
val is_connected : unit -> bool
exception NotConnected
val disconnect : unit -> unit
val set_max_running_provers : int -> unit
val send_request : id:int -> timelimit:int -> memlimit:int -> use_stdin:string option -> cmd:string list -> unit
val send_interrupt : id:int -> unit
type final_answer = {
id : int;
time : float;
timeout : bool;
out_file : string;
exit_code : int64;
type answer =
| Started of int
| Finished of final_answer
exception InvalidAnswer of string
val read_answers : blocking:bool -> answer list