package why3
type loc = Loc.position
type qualid = loc * string list
type global =
| Prelude of string
| Printer of string
| ModelParser of string
| RegexpValid of string
| RegexpInvalid of string
| RegexpTimeout of string
| RegexpOutOfMemory of string
| RegexpStepLimitExceeded of string
| RegexpUnknown of string * string
| RegexpFailure of string * string
| TimeRegexp of string
| StepRegexp of string * int
| ExitCodeValid of int
| ExitCodeInvalid of int
| ExitCodeTimeout of int
| ExitCodeStepLimitExceeded of int
| ExitCodeUnknown of int * string
| ExitCodeFailure of int * string
| Filename of string
| Transform of string
| Plugin of string * string
| Blacklist of string list
type file_extract = {
fe_global : (loc * global_extract) list;
fe_th_rules : theory_rules list;
fe_mo_rules : module_rules list;
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"