package why3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type rc_value =
  1. | RCint of int
  2. | RCbool of bool
  3. | RCfloat of float
  4. | RCstring of string * bool
  5. | RCident of string
exception ExtraParameters of string
exception MissingParameters of string
exception UnknownField of string
exception MissingField of string
exception DuplicateSection of string
exception DuplicateField of string * rc_value * rc_value
exception StringExpected of string * rc_value
exception IntExpected of string * rc_value
exception BoolExpected of string * rc_value
type t
type section
type family = (string * section) list
type simple_family = section list
val empty : t
val empty_section : section
val get_section : t -> string -> section option
val get_family : t -> string -> family
val get_simple_family : t -> string -> simple_family
val set_section : t -> string -> section -> t
val set_family : t -> string -> family -> t
val set_simple_family : t -> string -> simple_family -> t
val get_int : ?default:int -> section -> string -> int
val get_into : section -> string -> int option
val get_intl : ?default:int list -> section -> string -> int list
val set_int : ?default:int -> section -> string -> int -> section
val set_intl : ?default:int list -> section -> string -> int list -> section
val get_bool : ?default:bool -> section -> string -> bool
val get_booll : ?default:bool list -> section -> string -> bool list
val get_boolo : section -> string -> bool option
val set_bool : ?default:bool -> section -> string -> bool -> section
val set_booll : ?default:bool list -> section -> string -> bool list -> section
val get_string : ?default:string -> section -> string -> string
val get_stringl : ?default:string list -> section -> string -> string list
val get_stringo : section -> string -> string option
val set_string : ?escape_eol:bool -> ?default:string -> section -> string -> string -> section
val set_stringl : ?escape_eol:bool -> ?default:string list -> section -> string -> string list -> section
val check_exhaustive : section -> Wstdlib.Sstr.t -> unit
exception CannotOpen of string * string
exception SyntaxErrorFile of string * string
val from_channel : in_channel -> t
val from_file : string -> t
val to_formatter : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val to_channel : out_channel -> t -> unit
val to_file : string -> t -> unit
val get_home_dir : unit -> string

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