package wayland

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Low-level operations on objects, mostly used by the generated wrappers.


type ('a, +'v, 'role) t

An ('a, 'v, 'role) t is a proxy used by 'role to send messages to an object with interface 'a and version in 'v.

type ('a, 'v, 'role) proxy := ('a, 'v, 'role) t
type ('v, 'role) generic =
  1. | Proxy : ('a, 'v, 'role) t -> ('v, 'role) generic

    A proxy whose type isn't known statically. Use ty and pattern matching to recover the type.

val user_data : ('a, _, 'role) t -> ('a, 'role) S.user_data

user_data t returns the data attached to the proxy when it was created. Returns No_data if nothing was attached.

val cast_version : ('a, _, 'role) t -> ('a, _, 'role) t

If the version rules turn out to be too restrictive, this can be used to disable them. Using this incorrectly may lead to a protocol error (such as receiving an event for which no handler was registered).

val version : (_, _, _) t -> int32
val metadata : ('a, _, 'role) t -> (module Metadata.S with type t = 'a)
val ty : ('a, _, 'role) t -> 'a Metadata.ty
val interface : (_, _, _) t -> string


val delete : (_, _, [< `Client | `Server ]) t -> unit

delete t removes t from the object table. For servers, it also sends a delete event from object 1 if the object was client-allocated.

val on_delete : (_, _, _) t -> (unit -> unit) -> unit

on_delete t f calls f when t is deleted, either by delete being called (on the server) or when the client receives confirmation of the deletion from the server.

Functions for use by generated code

You should not need to use these functions directly. Instead, run wayland-scanner-ocaml to generate typed wrappers and use the wrappers instead.

module Handler : sig ... end
module Service_handler : sig ... end
val id : (_, _, _) t -> int32

id t is t's object ID. Use this to refer to the object in a message.

val id_opt : (_, _, _) t option -> int32

Like id but returns 0l for None.

val alloc : ('a, _, _) t -> op:int -> ints:int -> strings:string option list -> arrays:string list -> ('a, [ `W ]) Msg.t

alloc t ~op ~ints ~strings ~arrays is a fresh message for t's op operation. The message is the right size for ints integer arguments, all the strings in strings, and all the arrays in arrays.

val send : ('a, _, [< `Client | `Server ]) t -> ('a, [ `W ]) Msg.t -> unit

send t msg enqueues msg on t's connection.

val spawn : (_, 'v, [< `Client | `Server ] as 'role) t -> ['a, 'v, 'role] Handler.t -> ('a, 'v, 'role) t

Create a new proxy on t's connection with an unused ID. The new object has the same version as its parent.

val spawn_bind : (_, _, [< `Client | `Server ] as 'role) t -> (['a, 'v, 'role] Service_handler.t * int32) -> ('a, 'v, 'role) t

Like spawn but the child's version is given explicitly, not inherited from the parent. This is used for binding with the global registry.

val shutdown_send : (_, _, _) t -> unit

shutdown_send t indicates that you will no longer call send on t. Call this after sending a destructor message. Attempts to send using the proxy after this will fail.

val shutdown_recv : (_, _, _) t -> unit

shutdown_recv t indicates that we will no longer receive messages addressed to t. Call this after receiving a destructor message.

val unknown_event : int -> string

A suitable string to display for an unknown event number.

val unknown_request : int -> string

A suitable string to display for an unknown request number.

Logging and tracing

module type TRACE = sig ... end

Pass a TRACE module when connecting to trace protocol messages.

val pp : (_, _, _) t Fmt.t

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