package vhd-format
type t = {
table_offset : int64;
(*absolute byte offset of the BAT
*)max_table_entries : int;
(*the maximum number of blocks
*)block_size_sectors_shift : int;
(*each block is 2 ** block_size_sectors_shift sectors in size
*)checksum : int32;
(*ones-complement checksum of the header
*)parent_unique_id : Uuidm.t;
(*if a differencing disk, this is the 128-bit UUID of the parent
*)parent_time_stamp : int32;
(*modification time stamp of the parent disk, as seconds since midnight Jan 1 2000
*)parent_unicode_name : int array;
(*parent disk filename
*)parent_locators : Parent_locator.t array;
(*up to 8 different pointers to the parent disk image
val create :
table_offset:int64 ->
current_size:int64 ->
?block_size_sectors_shift:int ->
?checksum:int32 ->
?parent_unique_id:Uuidm.t ->
?parent_time_stamp:int32 ->
?parent_unicode_name:int array ->
?parent_locators:Parent_locator.t array ->
unit ->
val to_string : t -> string
set_parent t new_parent
updates the parent locators and unicode name
val compute_checksum : t -> int32
compute the expected checksum value
val sizeof_bitmap : t -> int
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"