package uwt
Analogue of Lwt_main
exception Main_error of error * string
Main_error is thrown, when uv_run returns an error - or if lwt doesn't report any result and libuv reports, that there are no pending tasks.
You shouldn't raise exceptions, if you are using uwt. Always use
. If you throw exceptions nevertheless, uwt can sometimes not propagate the exceptions to the OCaml runtime immediately. This applies for example to exceptions that occur inside iterative callbacks (like Stream.read_start
, Timer.start
, Poll.start
, etc. ). They are passed to Lwt.async_exception_hook
instead. If your Lwt.async_exception_hook
then also throws an exception, it is silently ignored.
However, uwt cannot catch all exceptions at the right moment. Don't call any uwt function (especially run
) again, if you catch such an exception below run
. A workaround is currently not implemented, because only rare exceptions like Out_of_memory
and Stackoverflow
are 'fatal' under rare conditions - and they usually mean you are in unrecoverable trouble anyway.
let rec main t1 =
match t1 with
| exception Uwt.Main.Fatal(e,p) -> (* fatal, restart your process *)
log_fatal e p ; cleanup () ; exit 2
| exception x -> log_normal x ; main t3 (* safe *)
| result -> let y = ... (* no error *)
yield ()
is a threads which suspends itself and then resumes as soon as possible and terminates.
, it's not allowed to nest calls to The following code is invalid, an exception Main_error
will be thrown:
let help () =
let () = foo in
in (help ())
will complain about missing work (Main_error
let s,t = Lwt.task () in s
With lwt.unix
the code above could lead to a busy loop (wasting your cpu time - but it depends on the selected Lwt_engine). If you really want your process to run forever, without waiting for any I/O, you can create a Uwt.Timer.t
that gets called repeatedly, but does nothing.
Functions that are called before the main iteration.
Functions that are called after the main iteration.
Sets of functions executed just before the program exit.
- each hook is called exactly one time
- exceptions raised by hooks are ignored
Don't use Pervasives.exit
together with uwt - or only use it outside any function that is passed to
. Pervasives.exit
interrupts the normal code flow and will leave libuv's internal state in an inconsistent state. Your exit hooks will never be called.