package uwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type command = string * string array
val shell : string -> command
type redirection = [
  1. | `Close
  2. | `Dev_null
  3. | `FD_copy of Unix.file_descr
  4. | `FD_move of Unix.file_descr
  5. | `File_copy of Uwt.file
  6. | `File_move of Uwt.file
  7. | `Keep
  8. | `Pipe_copy of Uwt.Pipe.t
  9. | `Pipe_move of Uwt.Pipe.t
  10. | `Stream_copy of Uwt.Stream.t
  11. | `Stream_move of Uwt.Stream.t
val exec : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> Unix.process_status Lwt.t
val pread : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt.t
val pread_chars : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> char Lwt_stream.t
val pread_line : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt.t
val pread_lines : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt_stream.t
val pwrite : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val pwrite_chars : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> char Lwt_stream.t -> unit Lwt.t
val pwrite_line : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val pwrite_lines : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt_stream.t -> unit Lwt.t
val pmap : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> string Lwt.t
val pmap_chars : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> char Lwt_stream.t -> char Lwt_stream.t
val pmap_line : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string -> string Lwt.t
val pmap_lines : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> string Lwt_stream.t -> string Lwt_stream.t
type state =
  1. | Running
  2. | Exited of Unix.process_status
class process_none : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd: string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_none : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> process_none
val with_process_none : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> (process_none -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process_in : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd: string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_in : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> process_in
val with_process_in : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdin:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> (process_in -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process_out : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd: string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_out : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> process_out
val with_process_out : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stdout:redirection -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> (process_out -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd: string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> object ... end
val open_process : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> process
val with_process : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> ?stderr:redirection -> command -> (process -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
class process_full : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd: string -> command -> object ... end
val open_process_full : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> command -> process_full
val with_process_full : ?timeout:float -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?env:string array -> ?cwd:string -> command -> (process_full -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t

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