package uwt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val close : t -> Int_result.unit
val close_noerr : t -> unit
val close_wait : t -> unit Lwt.t
val is_active : t -> bool
val ref' : t -> unit
val unref : t -> unit
val has_ref : t -> bool
val to_handle : t -> Handle.t
type stdio =
  1. | Inherit_file of file
  2. | Create_pipe of Pipe.t
  3. | Inherit_pipe of Pipe.t
  4. | Inherit_stream of Stream.t
  5. | Create_pipe_read of Pipe.t
  6. | Create_pipe_write of Pipe.t
  7. | Create_pipe_duplex of Pipe.t
type exit_cb = t -> exit_status:int -> term_signal:int -> unit
val spawn : ?stdin:stdio -> ?stdout:stdio -> ?stderr:stdio -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?verbatim_arguments:bool -> ?detach:bool -> ?hide:bool -> ?env:string list -> ?cwd:string -> ?exit_cb:exit_cb -> string -> string list -> t uv_result
val spawn_exn : ?stdin:stdio -> ?stdout:stdio -> ?stderr:stdio -> ?uid:int -> ?gid:int -> ?verbatim_arguments:bool -> ?detach:bool -> ?hide:bool -> ?env:string list -> ?cwd:string -> ?exit_cb:exit_cb -> string -> string list -> t
val disable_stdio_inheritance : unit -> unit
val pid : t ->
val pid_exn : t -> int
val process_kill : t -> int -> Int_result.unit
val process_kill_exn : t -> int -> unit
val kill : pid:int -> signum:int -> Int_result.unit
val kill_exn : pid:int -> signum:int -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.