package uucp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Block property and block ranges.



type t = [
  1. | `ASCII
  2. | `Adlam
  3. | `Aegean_Numbers
  4. | `Ahom
  5. | `Alchemical
  6. | `Alphabetic_PF
  7. | `Anatolian_Hieroglyphs
  8. | `Ancient_Greek_Music
  9. | `Ancient_Greek_Numbers
  10. | `Ancient_Symbols
  11. | `Arabic
  12. | `Arabic_Ext_A
  13. | `Arabic_Ext_B
  14. | `Arabic_Ext_C
  15. | `Arabic_Math
  16. | `Arabic_PF_A
  17. | `Arabic_PF_B
  18. | `Arabic_Sup
  19. | `Armenian
  20. | `Arrows
  21. | `Avestan
  22. | `Balinese
  23. | `Bamum
  24. | `Bamum_Sup
  25. | `Bassa_Vah
  26. | `Batak
  27. | `Bengali
  28. | `Bhaiksuki
  29. | `Block_Elements
  30. | `Bopomofo
  31. | `Bopomofo_Ext
  32. | `Box_Drawing
  33. | `Brahmi
  34. | `Braille
  35. | `Buginese
  36. | `Buhid
  37. | `Byzantine_Music
  38. | `CJK
  39. | `CJK_Compat
  40. | `CJK_Compat_Forms
  41. | `CJK_Compat_Ideographs
  42. | `CJK_Compat_Ideographs_Sup
  43. | `CJK_Ext_A
  44. | `CJK_Ext_B
  45. | `CJK_Ext_C
  46. | `CJK_Ext_D
  47. | `CJK_Ext_E
  48. | `CJK_Ext_F
  49. | `CJK_Ext_G
  50. | `CJK_Ext_H
  51. | `CJK_Ext_I
  52. | `CJK_Radicals_Sup
  53. | `CJK_Strokes
  54. | `CJK_Symbols
  55. | `Carian
  56. | `Caucasian_Albanian
  57. | `Chakma
  58. | `Cham
  59. | `Cherokee
  60. | `Cherokee_Sup
  61. | `Chess_Symbols
  62. | `Chorasmian
  63. | `Compat_Jamo
  64. | `Control_Pictures
  65. | `Coptic
  66. | `Coptic_Epact_Numbers
  67. | `Counting_Rod
  68. | `Cuneiform
  69. | `Cuneiform_Numbers
  70. | `Currency_Symbols
  71. | `Cypriot_Syllabary
  72. | `Cypro_Minoan
  73. | `Cyrillic
  74. | `Cyrillic_Ext_A
  75. | `Cyrillic_Ext_B
  76. | `Cyrillic_Ext_C
  77. | `Cyrillic_Ext_D
  78. | `Cyrillic_Sup
  79. | `Deseret
  80. | `Devanagari
  81. | `Devanagari_Ext
  82. | `Devanagari_Ext_A
  83. | `Diacriticals
  84. | `Diacriticals_Ext
  85. | `Diacriticals_For_Symbols
  86. | `Diacriticals_Sup
  87. | `Dingbats
  88. | `Dives_Akuru
  89. | `Dogra
  90. | `Domino
  91. | `Duployan
  92. | `Early_Dynastic_Cuneiform
  93. | `Egyptian_Hieroglyph_Format_Controls
  94. | `Egyptian_Hieroglyphs
  95. | `Egyptian_Hieroglyphs_Ext_A
  96. | `Elbasan
  97. | `Elymaic
  98. | `Emoticons
  99. | `Enclosed_Alphanum
  100. | `Enclosed_Alphanum_Sup
  101. | `Enclosed_CJK
  102. | `Enclosed_Ideographic_Sup
  103. | `Ethiopic
  104. | `Ethiopic_Ext
  105. | `Ethiopic_Ext_A
  106. | `Ethiopic_Ext_B
  107. | `Ethiopic_Sup
  108. | `Garay
  109. | `Geometric_Shapes
  110. | `Geometric_Shapes_Ext
  111. | `Georgian
  112. | `Georgian_Ext
  113. | `Georgian_Sup
  114. | `Glagolitic
  115. | `Glagolitic_Sup
  116. | `Gothic
  117. | `Grantha
  118. | `Greek
  119. | `Greek_Ext
  120. | `Gujarati
  121. | `Gunjala_Gondi
  122. | `Gurmukhi
  123. | `Gurung_Khema
  124. | `Half_And_Full_Forms
  125. | `Half_Marks
  126. | `Hangul
  127. | `Hanifi_Rohingya
  128. | `Hanunoo
  129. | `Hatran
  130. | `Hebrew
  131. | `Hiragana
  132. | `IDC
  133. | `IPA_Ext
  134. | `Ideographic_Symbols
  135. | `Imperial_Aramaic
  136. | `Indic_Number_Forms
  137. | `Indic_Siyaq_Numbers
  138. | `Inscriptional_Pahlavi
  139. | `Inscriptional_Parthian
  140. | `Jamo
  141. | `Jamo_Ext_A
  142. | `Jamo_Ext_B
  143. | `Javanese
  144. | `Kaithi
  145. | `Kaktovik_Numerals
  146. | `Kana_Ext_A
  147. | `Kana_Ext_B
  148. | `Kawi
  149. | `Kana_Sup
  150. | `Kanbun
  151. | `Kangxi
  152. | `Kannada
  153. | `Katakana
  154. | `Katakana_Ext
  155. | `Kayah_Li
  156. | `Kharoshthi
  157. | `Khitan_Small_Script
  158. | `Khmer
  159. | `Khmer_Symbols
  160. | `Khojki
  161. | `Khudawadi
  162. | `Kirat_Rai
  163. | `Lao
  164. | `Latin_1_Sup
  165. | `Latin_Ext_A
  166. | `Latin_Ext_Additional
  167. | `Latin_Ext_B
  168. | `Latin_Ext_C
  169. | `Latin_Ext_D
  170. | `Latin_Ext_E
  171. | `Latin_Ext_F
  172. | `Latin_Ext_G
  173. | `Lepcha
  174. | `Letterlike_Symbols
  175. | `Limbu
  176. | `Linear_A
  177. | `Linear_B_Ideograms
  178. | `Linear_B_Syllabary
  179. | `Lisu
  180. | `Lisu_Sup
  181. | `Lycian
  182. | `Lydian
  183. | `Mahajani
  184. | `Mahjong
  185. | `Makasar
  186. | `Malayalam
  187. | `Mandaic
  188. | `Manichaean
  189. | `Marchen
  190. | `Masaram_Gondi
  191. | `Math_Alphanum
  192. | `Math_Operators
  193. | `Mayan_Numerals
  194. | `Medefaidrin
  195. | `Meetei_Mayek
  196. | `Meetei_Mayek_Ext
  197. | `Mende_Kikakui
  198. | `Meroitic_Cursive
  199. | `Meroitic_Hieroglyphs
  200. | `Miao
  201. | `Misc_Arrows
  202. | `Misc_Math_Symbols_A
  203. | `Misc_Math_Symbols_B
  204. | `Misc_Pictographs
  205. | `Misc_Symbols
  206. | `Misc_Technical
  207. | `Modi
  208. | `Modifier_Letters
  209. | `Modifier_Tone_Letters
  210. | `Mongolian
  211. | `Mongolian_Sup
  212. | `Mro
  213. | `Multani
  214. | `Music
  215. | `Myanmar
  216. | `Myanmar_Ext_A
  217. | `Myanmar_Ext_B
  218. | `Myanmar_Ext_C
  219. | `NB


  220. | `NKo
  221. | `Nabataean
  222. | `Nag_Mundari
  223. | `Nandinagari
  224. | `New_Tai_Lue
  225. | `Newa
  226. | `Number_Forms
  227. | `Nushu
  228. | `Nyiakeng_Puachue_Hmong
  229. | `OCR
  230. | `Ogham
  231. | `Ol_Chiki
  232. | `Ol_Onal
  233. | `Old_Hungarian
  234. | `Old_Italic
  235. | `Old_North_Arabian
  236. | `Old_Permic
  237. | `Old_Persian
  238. | `Old_Sogdian
  239. | `Old_South_Arabian
  240. | `Old_Turkic
  241. | `Old_Uyghur
  242. | `Oriya
  243. | `Ornamental_Dingbats
  244. | `Osage
  245. | `Osmanya
  246. | `Ottoman_Siyaq_Numbers
  247. | `PUA
  248. | `Pahawh_Hmong
  249. | `Palmyrene
  250. | `Pau_Cin_Hau
  251. | `Phags_Pa
  252. | `Phaistos
  253. | `Phoenician
  254. | `Phonetic_Ext
  255. | `Phonetic_Ext_Sup
  256. | `Playing_Cards
  257. | `Psalter_Pahlavi
  258. | `Punctuation
  259. | `Rejang
  260. | `Rumi
  261. | `Runic
  262. | `Samaritan
  263. | `Saurashtra
  264. | `Sharada
  265. | `Shavian
  266. | `Shorthand_Format_Controls
  267. | `Siddham
  268. | `Sinhala
  269. | `Sinhala_Archaic_Numbers
  270. | `Small_Forms
  271. | `Small_Kana_Ext
  272. | `Sogdian
  273. | `Sora_Sompeng
  274. | `Soyombo
  275. | `Specials
  276. | `Sundanese
  277. | `Sundanese_Sup
  278. | `Sunuwar
  279. | `Sup_Arrows_A
  280. | `Sup_Arrows_B
  281. | `Sup_Arrows_C
  282. | `Sup_Math_Operators
  283. | `Sup_PUA_A
  284. | `Sup_PUA_B
  285. | `Sup_Punctuation
  286. | `Sup_Symbols_And_Pictographs
  287. | `Super_And_Sub
  288. | `Sutton_SignWriting
  289. | `Syloti_Nagri
  290. | `Symbols_And_Pictographs_Ext_A
  291. | `Symbols_For_Legacy_Computing
  292. | `Symbols_For_Legacy_Computing_Sup
  293. | `Syriac
  294. | `Syriac_Sup
  295. | `Tagalog
  296. | `Tagbanwa
  297. | `Tags
  298. | `Tai_Le
  299. | `Tai_Tham
  300. | `Tai_Viet
  301. | `Tai_Xuan_Jing
  302. | `Takri
  303. | `Tamil
  304. | `Tamil_Sup
  305. | `Tangsa
  306. | `Tangut
  307. | `Tangut_Components
  308. | `Tangut_Sup
  309. | `Telugu
  310. | `Thaana
  311. | `Thai
  312. | `Tibetan
  313. | `Tifinagh
  314. | `Tirhuta
  315. | `Todhri
  316. | `Toto
  317. | `Transport_And_Map
  318. | `Tulu_Tigalari
  319. | `UCAS
  320. | `UCAS_Ext
  321. | `UCAS_Ext_A
  322. | `Ugaritic
  323. | `VS
  324. | `VS_Sup
  325. | `Vai
  326. | `Vedic_Ext
  327. | `Vertical_Forms
  328. | `Vithkuqi
  329. | `Wancho
  330. | `Warang_Citi
  331. | `Yezidi
  332. | `Yi_Radicals
  333. | `Yi_Syllables
  334. | `Yijing
  335. | `Zanabazar_Square
  336. | `Znamenny_Music

The type for blocks. The value `NB is for characters that are not yet assigned to a block.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare b b' is b b'.

val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

pp ppf b prints an unspecified representation of b on ppf.

val blocks : (t * (Stdlib.Uchar.t * Stdlib.Uchar.t)) list

blocks is the list of blocks sorted by increasing range order. Each block appears exactly once in the list except `NB which is not part of this list as it is not a block.

val block : Stdlib.Uchar.t -> t

block u is u's Block property.


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