package tyxml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type animation_element = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Set
type descriptive_element = [
  1. | `Desc
  2. | `Metadata
  3. | `Title
type basic_shape_element = [
  1. | `Circle
  2. | `Ellipse
  3. | `Line
  4. | `Polygon
  5. | `Polyline
  6. | `Rect
type container_element = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `Defs
  3. | `G
  4. | `Glyph
  5. | `Marker
  6. | `Mask
  7. | `Missing_glyph
  8. | `Pattern
  9. | `Svg
  10. | `Switch
  11. | `Symbol
type filter_primitive_element = [
  1. | `FeBlend
  2. | `FeColorMatrix
  3. | `FeComponentTransfer
  4. | `FeComposite
  5. | `FeConvolveMatrix
  6. | `FeDiffuseLighting
  7. | `FeDisplacementMap
  8. | `FeFlood
  9. | `FeGaussianBlur
  10. | `FeImage
  11. | `FeMerge
  12. | `FeMorphology
  13. | `FeOffset
  14. | `FeSpecularLighting
  15. | `FeTile
  16. | `FeTurbulence
type light_source_element = [
  1. | `FeDistantLight
  2. | `FePointLight
  3. | `FeSpotLight
type shape_element = [
  1. | `Circle
  2. | `Ellipse
  3. | `Line
  4. | `Path
  5. | `Polygon
  6. | `Polyline
  7. | `Rect
type structural_element = [
  1. | `Defs
  2. | `G
  3. | `Svg
  4. | `Symbol
  5. | `Use
type text_content_element = [
  1. | `AltGlyph
  2. | `Text
  3. | `TextPath
  4. | `Tref
  5. | `Tspan
type text_content_child_element = [
  1. | `AltGlyph
  2. | `TextPath
  3. | `Tref
  4. | `Tspan
type gradient_element = [
  1. | `Lineargradient
  2. | `Radialgradient
type graphics_element = [
  1. | `Circle
  2. | `Ellipse
  3. | `Image
  4. | `Line
  5. | `Path
  6. | `Polygon
  7. | `Polyline
  8. | `Rect
  9. | `Text
  10. | `Use
type graphics_ref_element = [
  1. | `Image
  2. | `Use
type conditional_processing_attr = [
  1. | `RequiredExtensions
  2. | `RequiredFeatures
  3. | `SystemLanguage
type core_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `Xml_base
  3. | `Xml_lang
  4. | `Xml_space
type transfer_attr = [
  1. | `Amplitude
  2. | `Exponent
  3. | `Intercept
  4. | `Offset_transfer
  5. | `Slope
  6. | `TableValues
  7. | `Type_transfert
type document_event_attr = [
  1. | `OnAbort
  2. | `OnError
  3. | `OnResize
  4. | `OnScroll
  5. | `OnUnload
  6. | `OnZoom
type filter_primitive_attr = [
  1. | `Height
  2. | `Result
  3. | `Width
  4. | `X
  5. | `Y
type animation_event_attr = [
  1. | `OnBegin
  2. | `OnEnd
  3. | `OnLoad
  4. | `OnRepeat
type animation_attr_target_attr = [
  1. | `AttributeName
  2. | `AttributeType
type animation_timing_attr = [
  1. | `Begin
  2. | `Dur
  3. | `End
  4. | `Fill_Animation
  5. | `Max
  6. | `Min
  7. | `RepeatCount
  8. | `RepeatDur
  9. | `Restart
type animation_value_attr = [
  1. | `By
  2. | `CalcMode
  3. | `From
  4. | `KeySplines
  5. | `KeyTimes
  6. | `To
  7. | `Values
type animation_addition_attr = [
  1. | `Accumulate
  2. | `Additive
type presentation_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Clip
  4. | `Clip_Path
  5. | `Clip_Rule
  6. | `Color
  7. | `Color_Interpolation
  8. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  9. | `Color_profile
  10. | `Color_rendering
  11. | `Cursor
  12. | `Direction
  13. | `Display
  14. | `Dominant_baseline
  15. | `Enable_background
  16. | `Fill
  17. | `Fill_opacity
  18. | `Fill_rule
  19. | `Filter
  20. | `Flood_Color
  21. | `Flood_Opacity
  22. | `Font_Family
  23. | `Font_Size
  24. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  25. | `Font_Stretch
  26. | `Font_Style
  27. | `Font_Variant
  28. | `Font_Weight
  29. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  31. | `Image_Rendering
  32. | `Kerning
  33. | `Letter_Spacing
  34. | `Lighting_Color
  35. | `Marker_End
  36. | `Marker_Mid
  37. | `Marker_Start
  38. | `Mask
  39. | `Opacity
  40. | `Overflow
  41. | `Pointer_Events
  42. | `Shape_Rendering
  43. | `Stop_Color
  44. | `Stop_Opacity
  45. | `Stroke
  46. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  47. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  48. | `Stroke_Linecap
  49. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  50. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  51. | `Stroke_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke_Width
  53. | `Text_Anchor
  54. | `Text_Decoration
  55. | `Text_Rendering
  56. | `Unicode_Bidi
  57. | `Visibility
  58. | `Word_Spacing
  59. | `Writing_Mode
type graphical_event_attr = [
  1. | `OnActivate
  2. | `OnClick
  3. | `OnFocusIn
  4. | `OnFocusOut
  5. | `OnLoad
  6. | `OnMouseDown
  7. | `OnMouseMove
  8. | `OnMouseOut
  9. | `OnMouseOver
  10. | `OnMouseUp
type iri = string
module Unit : sig ... end
type coord = Unit.length
type number = float
type number_optional_number = number * number option
type percentage = int
type strings = string list
type color = string
type icccolor = string
type paint_whitout_icc = [
  1. | `Color of color * icccolor option
  2. | `CurrentColor
  3. | `None
type paint = [
  1. | `Color of color * icccolor option
  2. | `CurrentColor
  3. | `Icc of iri * paint_whitout_icc option
  4. | `None
type transform =
  1. | Matrix of float * float * float * float * float * float
  2. | Translate of float * float option
  3. | Scale of float * float option
  4. | Rotate of Unit.angle * (float * float) option
  5. | SkewX of Unit.angle
  6. | SkewY of Unit.angle
type spacestrings = string list
type commastrings = string list
type transforms = transform list
type fourfloats = float * float * float * float
type lengths = Unit.length list
type numbers = float list
type numbers_semicolon = float list
type coords = (float * float) list
type rotate = float list
type pcdata = [
  1. | `PCDATA
type svg = [
  1. | `Svg
type svg_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type svg_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `BaseProfile
  3. | `Baseline_Shift
  4. | `Class
  5. | `Clip
  6. | `Clip_Path
  7. | `Clip_Rule
  8. | `Color
  9. | `Color_Interpolation
  10. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  11. | `Color_profile
  12. | `Color_rendering
  13. | `ContentScriptType
  14. | `ContentStyleType
  15. | `Cursor
  16. | `Direction
  17. | `Display
  18. | `Dominant_baseline
  19. | `Enable_background
  20. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  21. | `Fill
  22. | `Fill_opacity
  23. | `Fill_rule
  24. | `Filter
  25. | `Flood_Color
  26. | `Flood_Opacity
  27. | `Font_Family
  28. | `Font_Size
  29. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  30. | `Font_Stretch
  31. | `Font_Style
  32. | `Font_Variant
  33. | `Font_Weight
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  35. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  36. | `Height
  37. | `Id
  38. | `Image_Rendering
  39. | `Kerning
  40. | `Letter_Spacing
  41. | `Lighting_Color
  42. | `Marker_End
  43. | `Marker_Mid
  44. | `Marker_Start
  45. | `Mask
  46. | `OnAbort
  47. | `OnActivate
  48. | `OnClick
  49. | `OnError
  50. | `OnFocusIn
  51. | `OnFocusOut
  52. | `OnLoad
  53. | `OnMouseDown
  54. | `OnMouseMove
  55. | `OnMouseOut
  56. | `OnMouseOver
  57. | `OnMouseUp
  58. | `OnResize
  59. | `OnScroll
  60. | `OnUnload
  61. | `OnZoom
  62. | `Opacity
  63. | `Overflow
  64. | `Pointer_Events
  65. | `PreserveAspectRatio
  66. | `RequiredExtensions
  67. | `RequiredFeatures
  68. | `Shape_Rendering
  69. | `Stop_Color
  70. | `Stop_Opacity
  71. | `Stroke
  72. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  73. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  74. | `Stroke_Linecap
  75. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  76. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  77. | `Stroke_Opacity
  78. | `Stroke_Width
  79. | `Style
  80. | `SystemLanguage
  81. | `Text_Anchor
  82. | `Text_Decoration
  83. | `Text_Rendering
  84. | `Unicode_Bidi
  85. | `Version
  86. | `ViewBox
  87. | `Visibility
  88. | `Width
  89. | `Word_Spacing
  90. | `Writing_Mode
  91. | `X
  92. | `Xml_base
  93. | `Xml_lang
  94. | `Xml_space
  95. | `Y
  96. | `ZoomAndPlan
type g = [
  1. | `G
type g_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type g_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `RequiredExtensions
  56. | `RequiredFeatures
  57. | `Shape_Rendering
  58. | `Stop_Color
  59. | `Stop_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke
  61. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  62. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  63. | `Stroke_Linecap
  64. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  65. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  66. | `Stroke_Opacity
  67. | `Stroke_Width
  68. | `Style
  69. | `SystemLanguage
  70. | `Text_Anchor
  71. | `Text_Decoration
  72. | `Text_Rendering
  73. | `Transform
  74. | `Unicode_Bidi
  75. | `Visibility
  76. | `Word_Spacing
  77. | `Writing_Mode
  78. | `Xml_base
  79. | `Xml_lang
  80. | `Xml_space
type defs = [
  1. | `Defs
type defs_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type defs_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `RequiredExtensions
  56. | `RequiredFeatures
  57. | `Shape_Rendering
  58. | `Stop_Color
  59. | `Stop_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke
  61. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  62. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  63. | `Stroke_Linecap
  64. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  65. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  66. | `Stroke_Opacity
  67. | `Stroke_Width
  68. | `Style
  69. | `SystemLanguage
  70. | `Text_Anchor
  71. | `Text_Decoration
  72. | `Text_Rendering
  73. | `Transform
  74. | `Unicode_Bidi
  75. | `Visibility
  76. | `Word_Spacing
  77. | `Writing_Mode
  78. | `Xml_base
  79. | `Xml_lang
  80. | `Xml_space
type desc = [
  1. | `Desc
type desc_content = [
  1. | `PCDATA
type desc_attr = [
  1. | `Class
  2. | `Id
  3. | `Style
  4. | `Xml_base
  5. | `Xml_lang
  6. | `Xml_space
type title = [
  1. | `Title
type title_content = [
  1. | `PCDATA
type title_attr = desc_attr
type symbol = [
  1. | `Symbol
type symbol_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `ClipPath
  8. | `Color_Profile
  9. | `Cursor
  10. | `Defs
  11. | `Desc
  12. | `Filter
  13. | `Font
  14. | `Font_Face
  15. | `ForeignObject
  16. | `G
  17. | `Image
  18. | `Lineargradient
  19. | `Marker
  20. | `Mask
  21. | `Metadata
  22. | `Pattern
  23. | `Radialgradient
  24. | `Script
  25. | `Set
  26. | `Style
  27. | `Svg
  28. | `Switch
  29. | `Symbol
  30. | `Text
  31. | `Title
  32. | `Use
  33. | `View
type symbol_attr = [
  1. | `Class
  2. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  3. | `PreserveAspectRatio
  4. | `Style
  5. | `ViewBox
type use = [
  1. | `Use
type use_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type use_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `Pointer_Events
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Shape_Rendering
  59. | `Stop_Color
  60. | `Stop_Opacity
  61. | `Stroke
  62. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  63. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  64. | `Stroke_Linecap
  65. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  66. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  67. | `Stroke_Opacity
  68. | `Stroke_Width
  69. | `Style
  70. | `SystemLanguage
  71. | `Text_Anchor
  72. | `Text_Decoration
  73. | `Text_Rendering
  74. | `Transform
  75. | `Unicode_Bidi
  76. | `Visibility
  77. | `Width
  78. | `Word_Spacing
  79. | `Writing_Mode
  80. | `X
  81. | `Xml_base
  82. | `Xml_lang
  83. | `Xml_space
  84. | `Y
type image = [
  1. | `Image
type image_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type image_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `Pointer_Events
  56. | `PreserveAspectRatio
  57. | `RequiredExtensions
  58. | `RequiredFeatures
  59. | `Shape_Rendering
  60. | `Stop_Color
  61. | `Stop_Opacity
  62. | `Stroke
  63. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  64. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  65. | `Stroke_Linecap
  66. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  67. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  68. | `Stroke_Opacity
  69. | `Stroke_Width
  70. | `Style
  71. | `SystemLanguage
  72. | `Text_Anchor
  73. | `Text_Decoration
  74. | `Text_Rendering
  75. | `Transform
  76. | `Unicode_Bidi
  77. | `Visibility
  78. | `Width
  79. | `Word_Spacing
  80. | `Writing_Mode
  81. | `X
  82. | `Xml_base
  83. | `Xml_lang
  84. | `Xml_space
  85. | `Y
type switch = [
  1. | `Switch
type switch_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `Animate
  3. | `AnimateColor
  4. | `AnimateMotion
  5. | `AnimateTransform
  6. | `Circle
  7. | `Desc
  8. | `Ellipse
  9. | `ForeignObject
  10. | `G
  11. | `Image
  12. | `Line
  13. | `Metadata
  14. | `Path
  15. | `Polygon
  16. | `Polyline
  17. | `Rect
  18. | `Set
  19. | `Svg
  20. | `Switch
  21. | `Text
  22. | `Title
  23. | `Use
type switch_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `RequiredExtensions
  56. | `RequiredFeatures
  57. | `Shape_Rendering
  58. | `Stop_Color
  59. | `Stop_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke
  61. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  62. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  63. | `Stroke_Linecap
  64. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  65. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  66. | `Stroke_Opacity
  67. | `Stroke_Width
  68. | `Style
  69. | `SystemLanguage
  70. | `Text_Anchor
  71. | `Text_Decoration
  72. | `Text_Rendering
  73. | `Transform
  74. | `Unicode_Bidi
  75. | `Visibility
  76. | `Word_Spacing
  77. | `Writing_Mode
  78. | `Xml_base
  79. | `Xml_lang
  80. | `Xml_space
type style = [
  1. | `Style
type style_content = [
  1. | `PCDATA
type style_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `Media
  3. | `Title
  4. | `Type
  5. | `Xml_base
  6. | `Xml_lang
  7. | `Xml_space
type path = [
  1. | `Path
type path_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type path_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `D
  14. | `Direction
  15. | `Display
  16. | `Dominant_baseline
  17. | `Enable_background
  18. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  19. | `Fill
  20. | `Fill_opacity
  21. | `Fill_rule
  22. | `Filter
  23. | `Flood_Color
  24. | `Flood_Opacity
  25. | `Font_Family
  26. | `Font_Size
  27. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  28. | `Font_Stretch
  29. | `Font_Style
  30. | `Font_Variant
  31. | `Font_Weight
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `PathLength
  56. | `Pointer_Events
  57. | `RequiredExtensions
  58. | `RequiredFeatures
  59. | `Shape_Rendering
  60. | `Stop_Color
  61. | `Stop_Opacity
  62. | `Stroke
  63. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  64. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  65. | `Stroke_Linecap
  66. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  67. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  68. | `Stroke_Opacity
  69. | `Stroke_Width
  70. | `Style
  71. | `SystemLanguage
  72. | `Text_Anchor
  73. | `Text_Decoration
  74. | `Text_Rendering
  75. | `Transform
  76. | `Unicode_Bidi
  77. | `Visibility
  78. | `Word_Spacing
  79. | `Writing_Mode
  80. | `Xml_base
  81. | `Xml_lang
  82. | `Xml_space
type rect = [
  1. | `Rect
type rect_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type rect_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `Pointer_Events
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Rx
  59. | `Ry
  60. | `Shape_Rendering
  61. | `Stop_Color
  62. | `Stop_Opacity
  63. | `Stroke
  64. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  65. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  66. | `Stroke_Linecap
  67. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  68. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  69. | `Stroke_Opacity
  70. | `Stroke_Width
  71. | `Style
  72. | `SystemLanguage
  73. | `Text_Anchor
  74. | `Text_Decoration
  75. | `Text_Rendering
  76. | `Transform
  77. | `Unicode_Bidi
  78. | `Visibility
  79. | `Width
  80. | `Word_Spacing
  81. | `Writing_Mode
  82. | `X
  83. | `Xml_base
  84. | `Xml_lang
  85. | `Xml_space
  86. | `Y
type circle = [
  1. | `Circle
type circle_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type circle_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Cx
  14. | `Cy
  15. | `Direction
  16. | `Display
  17. | `Dominant_baseline
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  20. | `Fill
  21. | `Fill_opacity
  22. | `Fill_rule
  23. | `Filter
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  35. | `Id
  36. | `Image_Rendering
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `Letter_Spacing
  39. | `Lighting_Color
  40. | `Marker_End
  41. | `Marker_Mid
  42. | `Marker_Start
  43. | `Mask
  44. | `OnActivate
  45. | `OnClick
  46. | `OnFocusIn
  47. | `OnFocusOut
  48. | `OnLoad
  49. | `OnMouseDown
  50. | `OnMouseMove
  51. | `OnMouseOut
  52. | `OnMouseOver
  53. | `OnMouseUp
  54. | `Opacity
  55. | `Overflow
  56. | `Pointer_Events
  57. | `R
  58. | `RequiredExtensions
  59. | `RequiredFeatures
  60. | `Shape_Rendering
  61. | `Stop_Color
  62. | `Stop_Opacity
  63. | `Stroke
  64. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  65. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  66. | `Stroke_Linecap
  67. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  68. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  69. | `Stroke_Opacity
  70. | `Stroke_Width
  71. | `Style
  72. | `SystemLanguage
  73. | `Text_Anchor
  74. | `Text_Decoration
  75. | `Text_Rendering
  76. | `Transform
  77. | `Unicode_Bidi
  78. | `Visibility
  79. | `Word_Spacing
  80. | `Writing_Mode
  81. | `Xml_base
  82. | `Xml_lang
  83. | `Xml_space
type ellipse = [
  1. | `Ellipse
type ellipse_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type ellipse_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Cx
  14. | `Cy
  15. | `Direction
  16. | `Display
  17. | `Dominant_baseline
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  20. | `Fill
  21. | `Fill_opacity
  22. | `Fill_rule
  23. | `Filter
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  35. | `Id
  36. | `Image_Rendering
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `Letter_Spacing
  39. | `Lighting_Color
  40. | `Marker_End
  41. | `Marker_Mid
  42. | `Marker_Start
  43. | `Mask
  44. | `OnActivate
  45. | `OnClick
  46. | `OnFocusIn
  47. | `OnFocusOut
  48. | `OnLoad
  49. | `OnMouseDown
  50. | `OnMouseMove
  51. | `OnMouseOut
  52. | `OnMouseOver
  53. | `OnMouseUp
  54. | `Opacity
  55. | `Overflow
  56. | `Pointer_Events
  57. | `RequiredExtensions
  58. | `RequiredFeatures
  59. | `Rx
  60. | `Ry
  61. | `Shape_Rendering
  62. | `Stop_Color
  63. | `Stop_Opacity
  64. | `Stroke
  65. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  66. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  67. | `Stroke_Linecap
  68. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  69. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  70. | `Stroke_Opacity
  71. | `Stroke_Width
  72. | `Style
  73. | `SystemLanguage
  74. | `Text_Anchor
  75. | `Text_Decoration
  76. | `Text_Rendering
  77. | `Transform
  78. | `Unicode_Bidi
  79. | `Visibility
  80. | `Word_Spacing
  81. | `Writing_Mode
  82. | `Xml_base
  83. | `Xml_lang
  84. | `Xml_space
type line = [
  1. | `Line
type line_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type line_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `RequiredExtensions
  56. | `RequiredFeatures
  57. | `Shape_Rendering
  58. | `Stop_Color
  59. | `Stop_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke
  61. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  62. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  63. | `Stroke_Linecap
  64. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  65. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  66. | `Stroke_Opacity
  67. | `Stroke_Width
  68. | `Style
  69. | `SystemLanguage
  70. | `Text_Anchor
  71. | `Text_Decoration
  72. | `Text_Rendering
  73. | `Transform
  74. | `Unicode_Bidi
  75. | `Visibility
  76. | `Word_Spacing
  77. | `Writing_Mode
  78. | `X1
  79. | `X2
  80. | `Xml_base
  81. | `Xml_lang
  82. | `Xml_space
  83. | `Y1
  84. | `Y2
type polyline = [
  1. | `Polyline
type polyline_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type polyline_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `Points
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Shape_Rendering
  59. | `Stop_Color
  60. | `Stop_Opacity
  61. | `Stroke
  62. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  63. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  64. | `Stroke_Linecap
  65. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  66. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  67. | `Stroke_Opacity
  68. | `Stroke_Width
  69. | `Style
  70. | `SystemLanguage
  71. | `Text_Anchor
  72. | `Text_Decoration
  73. | `Text_Rendering
  74. | `Transform
  75. | `Unicode_Bidi
  76. | `Visibility
  77. | `Word_Spacing
  78. | `Writing_Mode
  79. | `Xml_base
  80. | `Xml_lang
  81. | `Xml_space
type polygon = [
  1. | `Polygon
type polygon_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `Set
  8. | `Title
type polygon_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `Points
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Shape_Rendering
  59. | `Stop_Color
  60. | `Stop_Opacity
  61. | `Stroke
  62. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  63. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  64. | `Stroke_Linecap
  65. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  66. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  67. | `Stroke_Opacity
  68. | `Stroke_Width
  69. | `Style
  70. | `SystemLanguage
  71. | `Text_Anchor
  72. | `Text_Decoration
  73. | `Text_Rendering
  74. | `Transform
  75. | `Unicode_Bidi
  76. | `Visibility
  77. | `Word_Spacing
  78. | `Writing_Mode
  79. | `Xml_base
  80. | `Xml_lang
  81. | `Xml_space
type text = [
  1. | `Text
type text_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyph
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Desc
  8. | `Metadata
  9. | `PCDATA
  10. | `Set
  11. | `TextPath
  12. | `Title
  13. | `Tref
  14. | `Tspan
type text_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Clip
  4. | `Clip_Path
  5. | `Clip_Rule
  6. | `Color
  7. | `Color_Interpolation
  8. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  9. | `Color_profile
  10. | `Color_rendering
  11. | `Cursor
  12. | `Direction
  13. | `Display
  14. | `Dominant_baseline
  15. | `Dx_list
  16. | `Dy_list
  17. | `Enable_background
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `LengthAdjust
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `Pointer_Events
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Rotate
  59. | `Shape_Rendering
  60. | `Stop_Color
  61. | `Stop_Opacity
  62. | `Stroke
  63. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  64. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  65. | `Stroke_Linecap
  66. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  67. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  68. | `Stroke_Opacity
  69. | `Stroke_Width
  70. | `SystemLanguage
  71. | `TextLength
  72. | `Text_Anchor
  73. | `Text_Decoration
  74. | `Text_Rendering
  75. | `Transform
  76. | `Unicode_Bidi
  77. | `Visibility
  78. | `Word_Spacing
  79. | `Writing_Mode
  80. | `X_list
  81. | `Xml_base
  82. | `Xml_lang
  83. | `Xml_space
  84. | `Y_list
type tspan = [
  1. | `Tspan
type tspan_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyph
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Id
  7. | `Metadata
  8. | `PCDATA
  9. | `Set
  10. | `Title
  11. | `Tref
  12. | `Tspan
  13. | `Xml_base
  14. | `Xml_lang
  15. | `Xml_space
type tspan_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Dx_list
  17. | `Dy_list
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  20. | `Fill
  21. | `Fill_opacity
  22. | `Fill_rule
  23. | `Filter
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  35. | `Id
  36. | `Image_Rendering
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `LengthAdjust
  39. | `Letter_Spacing
  40. | `Lighting_Color
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `OnActivate
  46. | `OnClick
  47. | `OnFocusIn
  48. | `OnFocusOut
  49. | `OnLoad
  50. | `OnMouseDown
  51. | `OnMouseMove
  52. | `OnMouseOut
  53. | `OnMouseOver
  54. | `OnMouseUp
  55. | `Opacity
  56. | `Overflow
  57. | `Pointer_Events
  58. | `RequiredExtensions
  59. | `RequiredFeatures
  60. | `Rotate
  61. | `Shape_Rendering
  62. | `Stop_Color
  63. | `Stop_Opacity
  64. | `Stroke
  65. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  66. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  67. | `Stroke_Linecap
  68. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  69. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  70. | `Stroke_Opacity
  71. | `Stroke_Width
  72. | `Style
  73. | `SystemLanguage
  74. | `TextLength
  75. | `Text_Anchor
  76. | `Text_Decoration
  77. | `Text_Rendering
  78. | `Unicode_Bidi
  79. | `Visibility
  80. | `Word_Spacing
  81. | `Writing_Mode
  82. | `X_list
  83. | `Xml_base
  84. | `Xml_lang
  85. | `Xml_space
  86. | `Y_list
type tref = [
  1. | `Tref
type tref_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `Desc
  4. | `Metadata
  5. | `Set
  6. | `Title
type tref_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `RequiredExtensions
  56. | `RequiredFeatures
  57. | `Shape_Rendering
  58. | `Stop_Color
  59. | `Stop_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke
  61. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  62. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  63. | `Stroke_Linecap
  64. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  65. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  66. | `Stroke_Opacity
  67. | `Stroke_Width
  68. | `Style
  69. | `SystemLanguage
  70. | `Text_Anchor
  71. | `Text_Decoration
  72. | `Text_Rendering
  73. | `Unicode_Bidi
  74. | `Visibility
  75. | `Word_Spacing
  76. | `Writing_Mode
  77. | `Xml_base
  78. | `Xml_lang
  79. | `Xml_space
type textpath = [
  1. | `TextPath
type textpath_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyph
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `Desc
  6. | `Metadata
  7. | `PCDATA
  8. | `Set
  9. | `Title
  10. | `Tref
  11. | `Tspan
type textpath_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `Method
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `Pointer_Events
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Shape_Rendering
  59. | `Spacing
  60. | `StartOffset
  61. | `Stop_Color
  62. | `Stop_Opacity
  63. | `Stroke
  64. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  65. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  66. | `Stroke_Linecap
  67. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  68. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  69. | `Stroke_Opacity
  70. | `Stroke_Width
  71. | `Style
  72. | `SystemLanguage
  73. | `Text_Anchor
  74. | `Text_Decoration
  75. | `Text_Rendering
  76. | `Unicode_Bidi
  77. | `Visibility
  78. | `Word_Spacing
  79. | `Writing_Mode
  80. | `Xml_base
  81. | `Xml_lang
  82. | `Xml_space
type altglyph = [
  1. | `AltGlyph
type altglyph_content = [
  1. | `PCDATA
type altglyph_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Dx_list
  17. | `Dy_list
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  20. | `Fill
  21. | `Fill_opacity
  22. | `Fill_rule
  23. | `Filter
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Format
  34. | `GlyphRef
  35. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  36. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  37. | `Id
  38. | `Image_Rendering
  39. | `Kerning
  40. | `Letter_Spacing
  41. | `Lighting_Color
  42. | `Marker_End
  43. | `Marker_Mid
  44. | `Marker_Start
  45. | `Mask
  46. | `OnActivate
  47. | `OnClick
  48. | `OnFocusIn
  49. | `OnFocusOut
  50. | `OnLoad
  51. | `OnMouseDown
  52. | `OnMouseMove
  53. | `OnMouseOut
  54. | `OnMouseOver
  55. | `OnMouseUp
  56. | `Opacity
  57. | `Overflow
  58. | `Pointer_Events
  59. | `RequiredExtensions
  60. | `RequiredFeatures
  61. | `Rotate
  62. | `Shape_Rendering
  63. | `Stop_Color
  64. | `Stop_Opacity
  65. | `Stroke
  66. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  67. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  68. | `Stroke_Linecap
  69. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  70. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  71. | `Stroke_Opacity
  72. | `Stroke_Width
  73. | `Style
  74. | `SystemLanguage
  75. | `Text_Anchor
  76. | `Text_Decoration
  77. | `Text_Rendering
  78. | `Unicode_Bidi
  79. | `Visibility
  80. | `Word_Spacing
  81. | `Writing_Mode
  82. | `X_list
  83. | `Xml_base
  84. | `Xml_lang
  85. | `Xml_space
  86. | `Y_list
type altglyphdef = [
  1. | `AltGlyphDef
type altglyphdef_attr = core_attr
type altglyphitem = [
  1. | `AltGlyphItem
type altglyphitem_content = [
  1. | `glyphRef
type altglyphitem_attr = core_attr
type glyphref = [
  1. | `GlyphRef
type glyphref_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Dx_single
  17. | `Dy_single
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `Fill
  20. | `Fill_opacity
  21. | `Fill_rule
  22. | `Filter
  23. | `Flood_Color
  24. | `Flood_Opacity
  25. | `Font_Family
  26. | `Font_Size
  27. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  28. | `Font_Stretch
  29. | `Font_Style
  30. | `Font_Variant
  31. | `Font_Weight
  32. | `Format
  33. | `GlyphRef
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  35. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  36. | `Id
  37. | `Image_Rendering
  38. | `Kerning
  39. | `Letter_Spacing
  40. | `Lighting_Color
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `Shape_Rendering
  49. | `Stop_Color
  50. | `Stop_Opacity
  51. | `Stroke
  52. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  53. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  54. | `Stroke_Linecap
  55. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  56. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  57. | `Stroke_Opacity
  58. | `Stroke_Width
  59. | `Style
  60. | `Text_Anchor
  61. | `Text_Decoration
  62. | `Text_Rendering
  63. | `Unicode_Bidi
  64. | `Visibility
  65. | `Word_Spacing
  66. | `Writing_Mode
  67. | `X
  68. | `Xml_base
  69. | `Xml_lang
  70. | `Xml_space
  71. | `Y
type marker = [
  1. | `Marker
type marker_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type marker_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `MarkerHeight
  39. | `MarkerUnits
  40. | `MarkerWidth
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Orient
  47. | `Overflow
  48. | `Pointer_Events
  49. | `PreserveAspectRatio
  50. | `RefX
  51. | `RefY
  52. | `Shape_Rendering
  53. | `Stop_Color
  54. | `Stop_Opacity
  55. | `Stroke
  56. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  57. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  58. | `Stroke_Linecap
  59. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  60. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  61. | `Stroke_Opacity
  62. | `Stroke_Width
  63. | `Style
  64. | `Text_Anchor
  65. | `Text_Decoration
  66. | `Text_Rendering
  67. | `Unicode_Bidi
  68. | `ViewBox
  69. | `Visibility
  70. | `Word_Spacing
  71. | `Writing_Mode
  72. | `Xml_base
  73. | `Xml_lang
  74. | `Xml_space
type colorprofile = [
  1. | `ColorProfile
type colorprofile_content = descriptive_element
type colorprofile_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `Local
  3. | `Name
  4. | `Rendering_Intent
  5. | `Xml_base
  6. | `Xml_lang
  7. | `Xml_space
type lineargradient = [
  1. | `Lineargradient
type lineargradient_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateTransform
  3. | `Desc
  4. | `Metadata
  5. | `Set
  6. | `Stop
  7. | `Title
type lineargradient_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `GradientTransform
  34. | `GradientUnits
  35. | `Id
  36. | `Image_Rendering
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `Letter_Spacing
  39. | `Lighting_Color
  40. | `Marker_End
  41. | `Marker_Mid
  42. | `Marker_Start
  43. | `Mask
  44. | `Opacity
  45. | `Overflow
  46. | `Pointer_Events
  47. | `Shape_Rendering
  48. | `SpreadMethod
  49. | `Stop_Color
  50. | `Stop_Opacity
  51. | `Stroke
  52. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  53. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  54. | `Stroke_Linecap
  55. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  56. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  57. | `Stroke_Opacity
  58. | `Stroke_Width
  59. | `Style
  60. | `Text_Anchor
  61. | `Text_Decoration
  62. | `Text_Rendering
  63. | `Unicode_Bidi
  64. | `Visibility
  65. | `Word_Spacing
  66. | `Writing_Mode
  67. | `X1
  68. | `X2
  69. | `Xml_base
  70. | `Xml_lang
  71. | `Xml_space
  72. | `Y1
  73. | `Y2
type radialgradient = [
  1. | `Radialgradient
type radialgradient_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateTransform
  3. | `Desc
  4. | `Metadata
  5. | `Set
  6. | `Stop
  7. | `Title
type radialgradient_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Cx
  14. | `Cy
  15. | `Direction
  16. | `Display
  17. | `Dominant_baseline
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  20. | `Fill
  21. | `Fill_opacity
  22. | `Fill_rule
  23. | `Filter
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Fx
  34. | `Fy
  35. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  36. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  37. | `GradientTransform
  38. | `GradientUnits
  39. | `Id
  40. | `Image_Rendering
  41. | `Kerning
  42. | `Letter_Spacing
  43. | `Lighting_Color
  44. | `Marker_End
  45. | `Marker_Mid
  46. | `Marker_Start
  47. | `Mask
  48. | `Opacity
  49. | `Overflow
  50. | `Pointer_Events
  51. | `R
  52. | `Shape_Rendering
  53. | `SpreadMethod
  54. | `Stop_Color
  55. | `Stop_Opacity
  56. | `Stroke
  57. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  58. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  59. | `Stroke_Linecap
  60. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  61. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  62. | `Stroke_Opacity
  63. | `Stroke_Width
  64. | `Style
  65. | `Text_Anchor
  66. | `Text_Decoration
  67. | `Text_Rendering
  68. | `Unicode_Bidi
  69. | `Visibility
  70. | `Word_Spacing
  71. | `Writing_Mode
  72. | `Xml_base
  73. | `Xml_lang
  74. | `Xml_space
type stop = [
  1. | `Stop
type stop_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Animate_Color
  3. | `Set
type stop_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Id
  33. | `Image_Rendering
  34. | `Kerning
  35. | `Letter_Spacing
  36. | `Lighting_Color
  37. | `Marker_End
  38. | `Marker_Mid
  39. | `Marker_Start
  40. | `Mask
  41. | `Offset
  42. | `Opacity
  43. | `Overflow
  44. | `Pointer_Events
  45. | `Shape_Rendering
  46. | `Stop_Color
  47. | `Stop_Opacity
  48. | `Stroke
  49. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  50. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  51. | `Stroke_Linecap
  52. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  53. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  54. | `Stroke_Opacity
  55. | `Stroke_Width
  56. | `Style
  57. | `Text_Anchor
  58. | `Text_Decoration
  59. | `Text_Rendering
  60. | `Unicode_Bidi
  61. | `Visibility
  62. | `Word_Spacing
  63. | `Writing_Mode
  64. | `Xml_base
  65. | `Xml_lang
  66. | `Xml_space
type pattern = [
  1. | `Pattern
type pattern_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type pattern_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `PatternContentUnits
  46. | `PatternTransform
  47. | `PatternUnits
  48. | `Pointer_Events
  49. | `PreserveAspectRatio
  50. | `RequiredExtensions
  51. | `RequiredFeatures
  52. | `Shape_Rendering
  53. | `Stop_Color
  54. | `Stop_Opacity
  55. | `Stroke
  56. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  57. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  58. | `Stroke_Linecap
  59. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  60. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  61. | `Stroke_Opacity
  62. | `Stroke_Width
  63. | `Style
  64. | `SystemLanguage
  65. | `Text_Anchor
  66. | `Text_Decoration
  67. | `Text_Rendering
  68. | `Unicode_Bidi
  69. | `ViewBox
  70. | `Visibility
  71. | `Width
  72. | `Word_Spacing
  73. | `Writing_Mode
  74. | `X
  75. | `Xml_base
  76. | `Xml_lang
  77. | `Xml_space
  78. | `Y
type clippath = [
  1. | `ClipPath
type clippath_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `ClipPathUnits
  6. | `Clip_Path
  7. | `Clip_Rule
  8. | `Color
  9. | `Color_Interpolation
  10. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  11. | `Color_profile
  12. | `Color_rendering
  13. | `Cursor
  14. | `Direction
  15. | `Display
  16. | `Dominant_baseline
  17. | `Enable_background
  18. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  19. | `Fill
  20. | `Fill_opacity
  21. | `Fill_rule
  22. | `Filter
  23. | `Flood_Color
  24. | `Flood_Opacity
  25. | `Font_Family
  26. | `Font_Size
  27. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  28. | `Font_Stretch
  29. | `Font_Style
  30. | `Font_Variant
  31. | `Font_Weight
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `RequiredExtensions
  47. | `RequiredFeatures
  48. | `Shape_Rendering
  49. | `Stop_Color
  50. | `Stop_Opacity
  51. | `Stroke
  52. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  53. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  54. | `Stroke_Linecap
  55. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  56. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  57. | `Stroke_Opacity
  58. | `Stroke_Width
  59. | `Style
  60. | `SystemLanguage
  61. | `Text_Anchor
  62. | `Text_Decoration
  63. | `Text_Rendering
  64. | `Transform
  65. | `Unicode_Bidi
  66. | `Visibility
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `Xml_base
  70. | `Xml_lang
  71. | `Xml_space
type clippath_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `AnimateMotion
  4. | `AnimateTransform
  5. | `Circle
  6. | `Desc
  7. | `Ellipse
  8. | `Line
  9. | `Metadata
  10. | `Path
  11. | `Polygon
  12. | `Polyline
  13. | `Rect
  14. | `Set
  15. | `Text
  16. | `Title
  17. | `Use
type mask = [
  1. | `Mask
type mask_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type mask_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `MaskContentUnits
  44. | `MaskUnits
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `RequiredExtensions
  49. | `RequiredFeatures
  50. | `Shape_Rendering
  51. | `Stop_Color
  52. | `Stop_Opacity
  53. | `Stroke
  54. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  55. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  56. | `Stroke_Linecap
  57. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  58. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  59. | `Stroke_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke_Width
  61. | `Style
  62. | `SystemLanguage
  63. | `Text_Anchor
  64. | `Text_Decoration
  65. | `Text_Rendering
  66. | `Unicode_Bidi
  67. | `Visibility
  68. | `Width
  69. | `Word_Spacing
  70. | `Writing_Mode
  71. | `X
  72. | `Xml_base
  73. | `Xml_lang
  74. | `Xml_space
  75. | `Y
type filter = [
  1. | `Filter
type filter_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Desc
  3. | `FeBlend
  4. | `FeColorMatrix
  5. | `FeComponentTransfer
  6. | `FeComposite
  7. | `FeConvolveMatrix
  8. | `FeDiffuseLighting
  9. | `FeDisplacementMap
  10. | `FeFlood
  11. | `FeGaussianBlur
  12. | `FeImage
  13. | `FeMerge
  14. | `FeMorphology
  15. | `FeOffset
  16. | `FeSpecularLighting
  17. | `FeTile
  18. | `FeTurbulence
  19. | `Metadata
  20. | `Set
  21. | `Title
type filter_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `FilterRes
  23. | `FilterUnits
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  35. | `Height
  36. | `Id
  37. | `Image_Rendering
  38. | `Kerning
  39. | `Letter_Spacing
  40. | `Lighting_Color
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `PrimitiveUnits
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `Stop_Color
  51. | `Stop_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke
  53. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  54. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  55. | `Stroke_Linecap
  56. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  57. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  58. | `Stroke_Opacity
  59. | `Stroke_Width
  60. | `Style
  61. | `Text_Anchor
  62. | `Text_Decoration
  63. | `Text_Rendering
  64. | `Unicode_Bidi
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Width
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `X
  70. | `Xml_base
  71. | `Xml_lang
  72. | `Xml_space
  73. | `Y
type fedistantlight = [
  1. | `FeDistantLight
type fedistantlight_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fedistantlight_attr = [
  1. | `Azimuth
  2. | `Elevation
  3. | `Id
  4. | `Xml_base
  5. | `Xml_lang
  6. | `Xml_space
type fepointlight = [
  1. | `FePointLight
type fepointlight_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fepointlight_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `X
  3. | `Xml_base
  4. | `Xml_lang
  5. | `Xml_space
  6. | `Y
  7. | `Z
type fespotlight = [
  1. | `FeSpotLight
type fespotlight_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fespotlight_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `LimitingConeAngle
  3. | `PointsAtX
  4. | `PointsAtY
  5. | `PointsAtZ
  6. | `SpecularExponent
  7. | `X
  8. | `Xml_base
  9. | `Xml_lang
  10. | `Xml_space
  11. | `Y
  12. | `Z
type feblend = [
  1. | `FeBlend
type feblend_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type feblend_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `In2
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `Letter_Spacing
  39. | `Lighting_Color
  40. | `Marker_End
  41. | `Marker_Mid
  42. | `Marker_Start
  43. | `Mask
  44. | `Mode
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `Result
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `Stop_Color
  51. | `Stop_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke
  53. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  54. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  55. | `Stroke_Linecap
  56. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  57. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  58. | `Stroke_Opacity
  59. | `Stroke_Width
  60. | `Style
  61. | `Text_Anchor
  62. | `Text_Decoration
  63. | `Text_Rendering
  64. | `Unicode_Bidi
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Width
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `X
  70. | `Xml_base
  71. | `Xml_lang
  72. | `Xml_space
  73. | `Y
type fecolormatrix = [
  1. | `FeColorMatrix
type fecolormatrix_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fecolormatrix_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `Result
  47. | `Shape_Rendering
  48. | `Stop_Color
  49. | `Stop_Opacity
  50. | `Stroke
  51. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  52. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  53. | `Stroke_Linecap
  54. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  55. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  56. | `Stroke_Opacity
  57. | `Stroke_Width
  58. | `Style
  59. | `Text_Anchor
  60. | `Text_Decoration
  61. | `Text_Rendering
  62. | `Typefecolor
  63. | `Unicode_Bidi
  64. | `Values
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Width
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `X
  70. | `Xml_base
  71. | `Xml_lang
  72. | `Xml_space
  73. | `Y
type fecomponenttransfer = [
  1. | `FeComponentTransfer
type fecomponenttransfer_content = [
  1. | `FeFuncA
  2. | `FeFuncB
  3. | `FeFuncG
  4. | `FeFuncR
type fecomponenttransfer_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `Result
  47. | `Shape_Rendering
  48. | `Stop_Color
  49. | `Stop_Opacity
  50. | `Stroke
  51. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  52. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  53. | `Stroke_Linecap
  54. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  55. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  56. | `Stroke_Opacity
  57. | `Stroke_Width
  58. | `Style
  59. | `Text_Anchor
  60. | `Text_Decoration
  61. | `Text_Rendering
  62. | `Unicode_Bidi
  63. | `Visibility
  64. | `Width
  65. | `Word_Spacing
  66. | `Writing_Mode
  67. | `X
  68. | `Xml_base
  69. | `Xml_lang
  70. | `Xml_space
  71. | `Y
type fefunca = [
  1. | `FeFuncA
type fefunca_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fefunca_attr = [
  1. | `Amplitude
  2. | `Exponent
  3. | `Id
  4. | `Intercept
  5. | `Offset_transfer
  6. | `Slope
  7. | `TableValues
  8. | `Type_transfert
  9. | `Xml_base
  10. | `Xml_lang
  11. | `Xml_space
type fefuncg = [
  1. | `FeFuncA
type fefuncg_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fefuncg_attr = [
  1. | `Amplitude
  2. | `Exponent
  3. | `Id
  4. | `Intercept
  5. | `Offset_transfer
  6. | `Slope
  7. | `TableValues
  8. | `Type_transfert
  9. | `Xml_base
  10. | `Xml_lang
  11. | `Xml_space
type fefuncb = [
  1. | `FeFuncA
type fefuncb_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fefuncb_attr = [
  1. | `Amplitude
  2. | `Exponent
  3. | `Id
  4. | `Intercept
  5. | `Offset_transfer
  6. | `Slope
  7. | `TableValues
  8. | `Type_transfert
  9. | `Xml_base
  10. | `Xml_lang
  11. | `Xml_space
type fefuncr = [
  1. | `FeFuncA
type fefuncr_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fefuncr_attr = [
  1. | `Amplitude
  2. | `Exponent
  3. | `Id
  4. | `Intercept
  5. | `Offset_transfer
  6. | `Slope
  7. | `TableValues
  8. | `Type_transfert
  9. | `Xml_base
  10. | `Xml_lang
  11. | `Xml_space
type fecomposite = [
  1. | `FeComposite
type fecomposite_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fecomposite_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `In2
  37. | `K1
  38. | `K2
  39. | `K3
  40. | `K4
  41. | `Kerning
  42. | `Letter_Spacing
  43. | `Lighting_Color
  44. | `Marker_End
  45. | `Marker_Mid
  46. | `Marker_Start
  47. | `Mask
  48. | `Opacity
  49. | `Operator
  50. | `Overflow
  51. | `Pointer_Events
  52. | `Result
  53. | `Shape_Rendering
  54. | `Stop_Color
  55. | `Stop_Opacity
  56. | `Stroke
  57. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  58. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  59. | `Stroke_Linecap
  60. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  61. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  62. | `Stroke_Opacity
  63. | `Stroke_Width
  64. | `Style
  65. | `Text_Anchor
  66. | `Text_Decoration
  67. | `Text_Rendering
  68. | `Unicode_Bidi
  69. | `Visibility
  70. | `Width
  71. | `Word_Spacing
  72. | `Writing_Mode
  73. | `X
  74. | `Xml_base
  75. | `Xml_lang
  76. | `Xml_space
  77. | `Y
type feconvolvematrix = [
  1. | `FeConvolveMatrix
type feconvolvematrix_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type feconvolvematrix_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Bias
  4. | `Class
  5. | `Clip
  6. | `Clip_Path
  7. | `Clip_Rule
  8. | `Color
  9. | `Color_Interpolation
  10. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  11. | `Color_profile
  12. | `Color_rendering
  13. | `Cursor
  14. | `Direction
  15. | `Display
  16. | `Divisor
  17. | `Dominant_baseline
  18. | `EdgeMode
  19. | `Enable_background
  20. | `Fill
  21. | `Fill_opacity
  22. | `Fill_rule
  23. | `Filter
  24. | `Flood_Color
  25. | `Flood_Opacity
  26. | `Font_Family
  27. | `Font_Size
  28. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  29. | `Font_Stretch
  30. | `Font_Style
  31. | `Font_Variant
  32. | `Font_Weight
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  35. | `Height
  36. | `Id
  37. | `Image_Rendering
  38. | `In
  39. | `KernelMatrix
  40. | `KernelUnitLength
  41. | `Kerning
  42. | `Letter_Spacing
  43. | `Lighting_Color
  44. | `Marker_End
  45. | `Marker_Mid
  46. | `Marker_Start
  47. | `Mask
  48. | `Opacity
  49. | `Order
  50. | `Overflow
  51. | `Pointer_Events
  52. | `PreserveAlpha
  53. | `Result
  54. | `Shape_Rendering
  55. | `Stop_Color
  56. | `Stop_Opacity
  57. | `Stroke
  58. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  59. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  60. | `Stroke_Linecap
  61. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  62. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  63. | `Stroke_Opacity
  64. | `Stroke_Width
  65. | `Style
  66. | `TargetX
  67. | `TargetY
  68. | `Text_Anchor
  69. | `Text_Decoration
  70. | `Text_Rendering
  71. | `Unicode_Bidi
  72. | `Visibility
  73. | `Width
  74. | `Word_Spacing
  75. | `Writing_Mode
  76. | `X
  77. | `Xml_base
  78. | `Xml_lang
  79. | `Xml_space
  80. | `Y
type fediffuselighting = [
  1. | `FeDiffuseLighting
type fediffuselighting_content = [
  1. | `Desc
  2. | `FeDistantLight
  3. | `FePointLight
  4. | `FeSpotLight
  5. | `Metadata
  6. | `Title
type fediffuselighting_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `DiffuseConstant
  14. | `Direction
  15. | `Display
  16. | `Dominant_baseline
  17. | `Enable_background
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `In
  37. | `KernelUnitLength
  38. | `Kerning
  39. | `Letter_Spacing
  40. | `Lighting_Color
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `Result
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `Stop_Color
  51. | `Stop_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke
  53. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  54. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  55. | `Stroke_Linecap
  56. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  57. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  58. | `Stroke_Opacity
  59. | `Stroke_Width
  60. | `Style
  61. | `SurfaceScale
  62. | `Text_Anchor
  63. | `Text_Decoration
  64. | `Text_Rendering
  65. | `Unicode_Bidi
  66. | `Visibility
  67. | `Width
  68. | `Word_Spacing
  69. | `Writing_Mode
  70. | `X
  71. | `Xml_base
  72. | `Xml_lang
  73. | `Xml_space
  74. | `Y
type fedisplacementmap = [
  1. | `FeDisplacementMap
type fedisplacementmap_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fedisplacementmap_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `In2
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `Letter_Spacing
  39. | `Lighting_Color
  40. | `Marker_End
  41. | `Marker_Mid
  42. | `Marker_Start
  43. | `Mask
  44. | `Opacity
  45. | `Overflow
  46. | `Pointer_Events
  47. | `Result
  48. | `Scale
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `Stop_Color
  51. | `Stop_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke
  53. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  54. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  55. | `Stroke_Linecap
  56. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  57. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  58. | `Stroke_Opacity
  59. | `Stroke_Width
  60. | `Style
  61. | `Text_Anchor
  62. | `Text_Decoration
  63. | `Text_Rendering
  64. | `Unicode_Bidi
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Width
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `X
  70. | `XChannelSelector
  71. | `Xml_base
  72. | `Xml_lang
  73. | `Xml_space
  74. | `Y
  75. | `YChannelSelector
type feflood = [
  1. | `FeFlood
type feflood_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `Set
type feflood_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `Opacity
  43. | `Overflow
  44. | `Pointer_Events
  45. | `Result
  46. | `Shape_Rendering
  47. | `Stop_Color
  48. | `Stop_Opacity
  49. | `Stroke
  50. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  51. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  52. | `Stroke_Linecap
  53. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  54. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  55. | `Stroke_Opacity
  56. | `Stroke_Width
  57. | `Style
  58. | `Text_Anchor
  59. | `Text_Decoration
  60. | `Text_Rendering
  61. | `Unicode_Bidi
  62. | `Visibility
  63. | `Width
  64. | `Word_Spacing
  65. | `Writing_Mode
  66. | `X
  67. | `Xml_base
  68. | `Xml_lang
  69. | `Xml_space
  70. | `Y
type fegaussianblur = [
  1. | `FeGaussianBlur
type fegaussianblur_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `Set
type fegaussianblur_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `Result
  47. | `Shape_Rendering
  48. | `StdDeviation
  49. | `Stop_Color
  50. | `Stop_Opacity
  51. | `Stroke
  52. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  53. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  54. | `Stroke_Linecap
  55. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  56. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  57. | `Stroke_Opacity
  58. | `Stroke_Width
  59. | `Style
  60. | `Text_Anchor
  61. | `Text_Decoration
  62. | `Text_Rendering
  63. | `Unicode_Bidi
  64. | `Visibility
  65. | `Width
  66. | `Word_Spacing
  67. | `Writing_Mode
  68. | `X
  69. | `Xml_base
  70. | `Xml_lang
  71. | `Xml_space
  72. | `Y
type feimage = [
  1. | `FeImage
type feimage_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `AnimateColor
  3. | `Set
type feimage_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `PreserveAspectRadio
  47. | `Result
  48. | `Shape_Rendering
  49. | `Stop_Color
  50. | `Stop_Opacity
  51. | `Stroke
  52. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  53. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  54. | `Stroke_Linecap
  55. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  56. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  57. | `Stroke_Opacity
  58. | `Stroke_Width
  59. | `Style
  60. | `Text_Anchor
  61. | `Text_Decoration
  62. | `Text_Rendering
  63. | `Unicode_Bidi
  64. | `Visibility
  65. | `Width
  66. | `Word_Spacing
  67. | `Writing_Mode
  68. | `X
  69. | `Xml_base
  70. | `Xml_lang
  71. | `Xml_space
  72. | `Y
type femerge = [
  1. | `FeMerge
type femerge_content = [
  1. | `FeMergeNode
type femerge_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `Opacity
  43. | `Overflow
  44. | `Pointer_Events
  45. | `Result
  46. | `Shape_Rendering
  47. | `Stop_Color
  48. | `Stop_Opacity
  49. | `Stroke
  50. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  51. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  52. | `Stroke_Linecap
  53. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  54. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  55. | `Stroke_Opacity
  56. | `Stroke_Width
  57. | `Style
  58. | `Text_Anchor
  59. | `Text_Decoration
  60. | `Text_Rendering
  61. | `Unicode_Bidi
  62. | `Visibility
  63. | `Width
  64. | `Word_Spacing
  65. | `Writing_Mode
  66. | `X
  67. | `Xml_base
  68. | `Xml_lang
  69. | `Xml_space
  70. | `Y
type femorphology = [
  1. | `FeMorphology
type femorphology_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type femorphology_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Operator_morphology
  45. | `Overflow
  46. | `Pointer_Events
  47. | `Radius
  48. | `Result
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `Stop_Color
  51. | `Stop_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke
  53. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  54. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  55. | `Stroke_Linecap
  56. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  57. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  58. | `Stroke_Opacity
  59. | `Stroke_Width
  60. | `Style
  61. | `Text_Anchor
  62. | `Text_Decoration
  63. | `Text_Rendering
  64. | `Unicode_Bidi
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Width
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `X
  70. | `Xml_base
  71. | `Xml_lang
  72. | `Xml_space
  73. | `Y
type feoffset = [
  1. | `FeOffset
type feoffset_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type feoffset_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Dx
  17. | `Dy
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `Fill
  20. | `Fill_opacity
  21. | `Fill_rule
  22. | `Filter
  23. | `Flood_Color
  24. | `Flood_Opacity
  25. | `Font_Family
  26. | `Font_Size
  27. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  28. | `Font_Stretch
  29. | `Font_Style
  30. | `Font_Variant
  31. | `Font_Weight
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  34. | `Height
  35. | `Id
  36. | `Image_Rendering
  37. | `In
  38. | `Kerning
  39. | `Letter_Spacing
  40. | `Lighting_Color
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `Result
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `Stop_Color
  51. | `Stop_Opacity
  52. | `Stroke
  53. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  54. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  55. | `Stroke_Linecap
  56. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  57. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  58. | `Stroke_Opacity
  59. | `Stroke_Width
  60. | `Style
  61. | `Text_Anchor
  62. | `Text_Decoration
  63. | `Text_Rendering
  64. | `Unicode_Bidi
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Width
  67. | `Word_Spacing
  68. | `Writing_Mode
  69. | `X
  70. | `Xml_base
  71. | `Xml_lang
  72. | `Xml_space
  73. | `Y
type fespecularlighting = [
  1. | `FeSpecularLighting
type fespecularlighting_content = [
  1. | `Desc
  2. | `FeDistantLight
  3. | `FePointLight
  4. | `FeSpotLight
  5. | `Metadata
  6. | `Title
type fespecularlighting_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `KernelUnitLength
  37. | `Kerning
  38. | `Letter_Spacing
  39. | `Lighting_Color
  40. | `Marker_End
  41. | `Marker_Mid
  42. | `Marker_Start
  43. | `Mask
  44. | `Opacity
  45. | `Overflow
  46. | `Pointer_Events
  47. | `Result
  48. | `Shape_Rendering
  49. | `SpecularConstant
  50. | `SpecularExponent
  51. | `Stop_Color
  52. | `Stop_Opacity
  53. | `Stroke
  54. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  55. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  56. | `Stroke_Linecap
  57. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  58. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  59. | `Stroke_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke_Width
  61. | `Style
  62. | `SurfaceScale
  63. | `Text_Anchor
  64. | `Text_Decoration
  65. | `Text_Rendering
  66. | `Unicode_Bidi
  67. | `Visibility
  68. | `Width
  69. | `Word_Spacing
  70. | `Writing_Mode
  71. | `X
  72. | `Xml_base
  73. | `Xml_lang
  74. | `Xml_space
  75. | `Y
type fetile = [
  1. | `FeTile
type fetile_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type fetile_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `Fill
  18. | `Fill_opacity
  19. | `Fill_rule
  20. | `Filter
  21. | `Flood_Color
  22. | `Flood_Opacity
  23. | `Font_Family
  24. | `Font_Size
  25. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  26. | `Font_Stretch
  27. | `Font_Style
  28. | `Font_Variant
  29. | `Font_Weight
  30. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  32. | `Height
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `In
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `Result
  47. | `Shape_Rendering
  48. | `Stop_Color
  49. | `Stop_Opacity
  50. | `Stroke
  51. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  52. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  53. | `Stroke_Linecap
  54. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  55. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  56. | `Stroke_Opacity
  57. | `Stroke_Width
  58. | `Style
  59. | `Text_Anchor
  60. | `Text_Decoration
  61. | `Text_Rendering
  62. | `Unicode_Bidi
  63. | `Visibility
  64. | `Width
  65. | `Word_Spacing
  66. | `Writing_Mode
  67. | `X
  68. | `Xml_base
  69. | `Xml_lang
  70. | `Xml_space
  71. | `Y
type feturbulence = [
  1. | `FeTurbulence
type feturbulence_content = [
  1. | `Animate
  2. | `Set
type feturbulence_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `BaseFrequency
  3. | `Baseline_Shift
  4. | `Class
  5. | `Clip
  6. | `Clip_Path
  7. | `Clip_Rule
  8. | `Color
  9. | `Color_Interpolation
  10. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  11. | `Color_profile
  12. | `Color_rendering
  13. | `Cursor
  14. | `Direction
  15. | `Display
  16. | `Dominant_baseline
  17. | `Enable_background
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `NumOctaves
  44. | `Opacity
  45. | `Overflow
  46. | `Pointer_Events
  47. | `Result
  48. | `Seed
  49. | `Shape_Rendering
  50. | `StitchTiles
  51. | `Stop_Color
  52. | `Stop_Opacity
  53. | `Stroke
  54. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  55. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  56. | `Stroke_Linecap
  57. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  58. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  59. | `Stroke_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke_Width
  61. | `Style
  62. | `Text_Anchor
  63. | `Text_Decoration
  64. | `Text_Rendering
  65. | `Type_stitch
  66. | `Unicode_Bidi
  67. | `Visibility
  68. | `Width
  69. | `Word_Spacing
  70. | `Writing_Mode
  71. | `X
  72. | `Xml_base
  73. | `Xml_lang
  74. | `Xml_space
  75. | `Y
type cursor = [
  1. | `Cursor
type cursor_content = descriptive_element
type cursor_attr = [
  1. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  2. | `Id
  3. | `RequiredExtensions
  4. | `RequiredFeatures
  5. | `SystemLanguage
  6. | `X
  7. | `Xml_base
  8. | `Xml_lang
  9. | `Xml_space
  10. | `Y
type a = [
  1. | `A
type a_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type a_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Id
  34. | `Image_Rendering
  35. | `Kerning
  36. | `Letter_Spacing
  37. | `Lighting_Color
  38. | `Marker_End
  39. | `Marker_Mid
  40. | `Marker_Start
  41. | `Mask
  42. | `OnActivate
  43. | `OnClick
  44. | `OnFocusIn
  45. | `OnFocusOut
  46. | `OnLoad
  47. | `OnMouseDown
  48. | `OnMouseMove
  49. | `OnMouseOut
  50. | `OnMouseOver
  51. | `OnMouseUp
  52. | `Opacity
  53. | `Overflow
  54. | `Pointer_Events
  55. | `RequiredExtensions
  56. | `RequiredFeatures
  57. | `Shape_Rendering
  58. | `Stop_Color
  59. | `Stop_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke
  61. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  62. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  63. | `Stroke_Linecap
  64. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  65. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  66. | `Stroke_Opacity
  67. | `Stroke_Width
  68. | `Style
  69. | `SystemLanguage
  70. | `Target
  71. | `Text_Anchor
  72. | `Text_Decoration
  73. | `Text_Rendering
  74. | `Transform
  75. | `Unicode_Bidi
  76. | `Visibility
  77. | `Word_Spacing
  78. | `Writing_Mode
  79. | `Xml_base
  80. | `Xml_lang
  81. | `Xml_space
type view = [
  1. | `View
type view_content = descriptive_element
type view_attr = [
  1. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  2. | `Id
  3. | `PreserveAspectRatio
  4. | `ViewBox
  5. | `ViewTarget
  6. | `Xml_base
  7. | `Xml_lang
  8. | `Xml_space
  9. | `ZoomAndPan
type script = [
  1. | `Script
type script_content = [
  1. | `PCDATA
type script_attr = [
  1. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  2. | `Id
  3. | `Type
  4. | `Xml_base
  5. | `Xml_lang
  6. | `Xml_space
type animation = [
  1. | `Animation
type animation_content = descriptive_element
type animation_attr = [
  1. | `Accumulate
  2. | `Additive
  3. | `AttributeName
  4. | `AttributeType
  5. | `Begin
  6. | `By
  7. | `CalcMode
  8. | `Dur
  9. | `End
  10. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  11. | `Fill_Animation
  12. | `From
  13. | `Id
  14. | `KeySplines
  15. | `KeyTimes
  16. | `Max
  17. | `Min
  18. | `OnBegin
  19. | `OnEnd
  20. | `OnLoad
  21. | `OnRepeat
  22. | `RepeatCount
  23. | `RepeatDur
  24. | `RequiredExtensions
  25. | `RequiredFeatures
  26. | `Restart
  27. | `SystemLanguage
  28. | `To
  29. | `Values
  30. | `Xml_base
  31. | `Xml_lang
  32. | `Xml_space
type set = [
  1. | `Set
type set_content = descriptive_element
type set_attr = [
  1. | `AttributeName
  2. | `AttributeType
  3. | `Begin
  4. | `Dur
  5. | `End
  6. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  7. | `Fill_Animation
  8. | `Id
  9. | `Max
  10. | `Min
  11. | `OnBegin
  12. | `OnEnd
  13. | `OnLoad
  14. | `OnRepeat
  15. | `RepeatCount
  16. | `RepeatDur
  17. | `RequiredExtensions
  18. | `RequiredFeatures
  19. | `Restart
  20. | `SystemLanguage
  21. | `To
  22. | `Xml_base
  23. | `Xml_lang
  24. | `Xml_space
type animatemotion = [
  1. | `AnimateMotion
type animatemotion_content = [
  1. | `Desc
  2. | `Metadata
  3. | `Mpath
  4. | `Title
type animatemotion_attr = [
  1. | `Accumulate
  2. | `Additive
  3. | `Begin
  4. | `By
  5. | `CalcMode
  6. | `Dur
  7. | `End
  8. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  9. | `Fill_Animation
  10. | `From
  11. | `Id
  12. | `KeyPoints
  13. | `KeySplines
  14. | `KeyTimes
  15. | `Max
  16. | `Min
  17. | `OnBegin
  18. | `OnEnd
  19. | `OnLoad
  20. | `OnRepeat
  21. | `Origin
  22. | `Path
  23. | `RepeatCount
  24. | `RepeatDur
  25. | `RequiredExtensions
  26. | `RequiredFeatures
  27. | `Restart
  28. | `Rotate
  29. | `SystemLanguage
  30. | `To
  31. | `Values
  32. | `Xml_base
  33. | `Xml_lang
  34. | `Xml_space
type mpath = [
  1. | `Mpath
type mpath_content = descriptive_element
type mpath_attr = [
  1. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  2. | `Id
  3. | `Xml_base
  4. | `Xml_lang
  5. | `Xml_space
type animatecolor = [
  1. | `AnimateColor
type animatecolor_content = descriptive_element
type animatecolor_attr = [
  1. | `Accumulate
  2. | `Additive
  3. | `AttributeName
  4. | `AttributeType
  5. | `Begin
  6. | `By
  7. | `CalcMode
  8. | `Dur
  9. | `End
  10. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  11. | `Fill_Animation
  12. | `From
  13. | `Id
  14. | `KeySplines
  15. | `KeyTimes
  16. | `Max
  17. | `Min
  18. | `OnBegin
  19. | `OnEnd
  20. | `OnLoad
  21. | `OnRepeat
  22. | `RepeatCount
  23. | `RepeatDur
  24. | `RequiredExtensions
  25. | `RequiredFeatures
  26. | `Restart
  27. | `SystemLanguage
  28. | `To
  29. | `Values
  30. | `Xml_base
  31. | `Xml_lang
  32. | `Xml_space
type animatetransform = [
  1. | `AnimateTransform
type animatetransform_content = descriptive_element
type animatetransform_attr = [
  1. | `Accumulate
  2. | `Additive
  3. | `AttributeName
  4. | `AttributeType
  5. | `Begin
  6. | `By
  7. | `CalcMode
  8. | `Dur
  9. | `End
  10. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  11. | `Fill_Animation
  12. | `From
  13. | `Id
  14. | `KeySplines
  15. | `KeyTimes
  16. | `Max
  17. | `Min
  18. | `OnBegin
  19. | `OnEnd
  20. | `OnLoad
  21. | `OnRepeat
  22. | `RepeatCount
  23. | `RepeatDur
  24. | `RequiredExtensions
  25. | `RequiredFeatures
  26. | `Restart
  27. | `SystemLanguage
  28. | `To
  29. | `Typeanimatecolor
  30. | `Values
  31. | `Xml_base
  32. | `Xml_lang
  33. | `Xml_space
type font = [
  1. | `Font
type font_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `HorizAdvX
  34. | `HorizOriginX
  35. | `HorizOriginY
  36. | `Id
  37. | `Image_Rendering
  38. | `Kerning
  39. | `Letter_Spacing
  40. | `Lighting_Color
  41. | `Marker_End
  42. | `Marker_Mid
  43. | `Marker_Start
  44. | `Mask
  45. | `Opacity
  46. | `Overflow
  47. | `Pointer_Events
  48. | `Shape_Rendering
  49. | `Stop_Color
  50. | `Stop_Opacity
  51. | `Stroke
  52. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  53. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  54. | `Stroke_Linecap
  55. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  56. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  57. | `Stroke_Opacity
  58. | `Stroke_Width
  59. | `Style
  60. | `Text_Anchor
  61. | `Text_Decoration
  62. | `Text_Rendering
  63. | `Unicode_Bidi
  64. | `VertAdvY
  65. | `VertOriginX
  66. | `VertOriginY
  67. | `Visibility
  68. | `Word_Spacing
  69. | `Writing_Mode
  70. | `Xml_base
  71. | `Xml_lang
  72. | `Xml_space
type font_content = [
  1. | `Desc
  2. | `Font_Face
  3. | `Glyph
  4. | `Hkern
  5. | `Metadata
  6. | `MissingGlyph
  7. | `Title
  8. | `Vkern
type glyph = [
  1. | `Glyph
type glyph_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `Font_Face
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type glyph_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `ArabicForm
  3. | `Baseline_Shift
  4. | `Class
  5. | `Clip
  6. | `Clip_Path
  7. | `Clip_Rule
  8. | `Color
  9. | `Color_Interpolation
  10. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  11. | `Color_profile
  12. | `Color_rendering
  13. | `Cursor
  14. | `D
  15. | `Direction
  16. | `Display
  17. | `Dominant_baseline
  18. | `Enable_background
  19. | `Fill
  20. | `Fill_opacity
  21. | `Fill_rule
  22. | `Filter
  23. | `Flood_Color
  24. | `Flood_Opacity
  25. | `Font_Family
  26. | `Font_Size
  27. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  28. | `Font_Stretch
  29. | `Font_Style
  30. | `Font_Variant
  31. | `Font_Weight
  32. | `GlyphName
  33. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  34. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  35. | `HorizAdvX
  36. | `Id
  37. | `Image_Rendering
  38. | `Kerning
  39. | `Lang
  40. | `Letter_Spacing
  41. | `Lighting_Color
  42. | `Marker_End
  43. | `Marker_Mid
  44. | `Marker_Start
  45. | `Mask
  46. | `Opacity
  47. | `Orientation
  48. | `Overflow
  49. | `Pointer_Events
  50. | `Shape_Rendering
  51. | `Stop_Color
  52. | `Stop_Opacity
  53. | `Stroke
  54. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  55. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  56. | `Stroke_Linecap
  57. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  58. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  59. | `Stroke_Opacity
  60. | `Stroke_Width
  61. | `Style
  62. | `Text_Anchor
  63. | `Text_Decoration
  64. | `Text_Rendering
  65. | `Unicode
  66. | `Unicode_Bidi
  67. | `VertAdvY
  68. | `VertOriginX
  69. | `VertOriginY
  70. | `Visibility
  71. | `Word_Spacing
  72. | `Writing_Mode
  73. | `Xml_base
  74. | `Xml_lang
  75. | `Xml_space
type missingglyph = [
  1. | `MissingGlyph
type missingglyph_content = [
  1. | `A
  2. | `AltGlyphDef
  3. | `Animate
  4. | `AnimateColor
  5. | `AnimateMotion
  6. | `AnimateTransform
  7. | `Circle
  8. | `ClipPath
  9. | `Color_Profile
  10. | `Cursor
  11. | `Defs
  12. | `Desc
  13. | `Ellipse
  14. | `Filter
  15. | `Font
  16. | `FontFace
  17. | `ForeignObject
  18. | `G
  19. | `Image
  20. | `Line
  21. | `Lineargradient
  22. | `Marker
  23. | `Mask
  24. | `Metadata
  25. | `Path
  26. | `Pattern
  27. | `Polygon
  28. | `Polyline
  29. | `Radialgradient
  30. | `Rect
  31. | `Script
  32. | `Set
  33. | `Style
  34. | `Svg
  35. | `Switch
  36. | `Symbol
  37. | `Text
  38. | `Title
  39. | `Use
  40. | `View
type missingglyph_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `D
  14. | `Direction
  15. | `Display
  16. | `Dominant_baseline
  17. | `Enable_background
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
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  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `HorizAdvX
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `Opacity
  44. | `Overflow
  45. | `Pointer_Events
  46. | `Shape_Rendering
  47. | `Stop_Color
  48. | `Stop_Opacity
  49. | `Stroke
  50. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  51. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  52. | `Stroke_Linecap
  53. | `Stroke_Linejoin
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  56. | `Stroke_Width
  57. | `Style
  58. | `Text_Anchor
  59. | `Text_Decoration
  60. | `Text_Rendering
  61. | `Unicode_Bidi
  62. | `VertAdvY
  63. | `VertOriginX
  64. | `VertOriginY
  65. | `Visibility
  66. | `Word_Spacing
  67. | `Writing_Mode
  68. | `Xml_base
  69. | `Xml_lang
  70. | `Xml_space
type hkern = [
  1. | `Hkern
type hkern_attr = [
  1. | `G1
  2. | `G2
  3. | `Id
  4. | `K
  5. | `U1
  6. | `U2
  7. | `Xml_base
  8. | `Xml_lang
  9. | `Xml_space
type vkern = [
  1. | `Vkern
type vkern_attr = [
  1. | `G1
  2. | `G2
  3. | `Id
  4. | `K
  5. | `U1
  6. | `U2
  7. | `Xml_base
  8. | `Xml_lang
  9. | `Xml_space
type fontface = [
  1. | `FontFace
type fontface_content = [
  1. | `Desc
  2. | `Font_Face_Src
  3. | `Metadata
  4. | `Title
type fontface_attr = [
  1. | `AccentHeight
  2. | `Alphabetic
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  6. | `Descent
  7. | `FontFamily
  8. | `FontSize
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  10. | `FontStyle
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  12. | `FontWeight
  13. | `Hanging
  14. | `Id
  15. | `Ideographic
  16. | `Mathematical
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  18. | `OverlineThickness
  19. | `Panose1
  20. | `Slope
  21. | `Stemh
  22. | `Stemv
  23. | `StrikethroughPosition
  24. | `StrikethroughThickness
  25. | `UnderlinePosition
  26. | `UnderlineThickness
  27. | `UnicodeRange
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  29. | `VAlphabetic
  30. | `VHanging
  31. | `VIdeographic
  32. | `VMathematical
  33. | `Widths
  34. | `XHeight
  35. | `Xml_base
  36. | `Xml_lang
  37. | `Xml_space
type fontfacesrc = [
  1. | `Font_Face_Src
type fontfacesrc_content = [
  1. | `Font_Face_Name
  2. | `Font_Face_Uri
type fontfacesrc_attr = core_attr
type fontfaceuri = [
  1. | `Font_Face_Uri
type fontfaceuri_content = [
  1. | `Font_Face_Format
type fontfaceuri_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `Xml_base
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  4. | `Xml_space
type fontfaceformat = [
  1. | `Font_Face_Uri
type fontfaceformat_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `String
  3. | `Xml_base
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  5. | `Xml_space
type fontfacename = [
  1. | `Font_Face_Name
type fontfacename_attr = [
  1. | `Id
  2. | `Name
  3. | `Xml_base
  4. | `Xml_lang
  5. | `Xml_space
type metadata = [
  1. | `Metadata
type metadata_attr = core_attr
type foreignobject = [
  1. | `ForeignObject
type foreignobject_attr = [
  1. | `Alignement_Baseline
  2. | `Baseline_Shift
  3. | `Class
  4. | `Clip
  5. | `Clip_Path
  6. | `Clip_Rule
  7. | `Color
  8. | `Color_Interpolation
  9. | `Color_interpolation_filters
  10. | `Color_profile
  11. | `Color_rendering
  12. | `Cursor
  13. | `Direction
  14. | `Display
  15. | `Dominant_baseline
  16. | `Enable_background
  17. | `ExternalResourcesRequired
  18. | `Fill
  19. | `Fill_opacity
  20. | `Fill_rule
  21. | `Filter
  22. | `Flood_Color
  23. | `Flood_Opacity
  24. | `Font_Family
  25. | `Font_Size
  26. | `Font_Size_Adjust
  27. | `Font_Stretch
  28. | `Font_Style
  29. | `Font_Variant
  30. | `Font_Weight
  31. | `Glyph_Orientation_Horizontal
  32. | `Glyph_Orientation_Vertical
  33. | `Height
  34. | `Id
  35. | `Image_Rendering
  36. | `Kerning
  37. | `Letter_Spacing
  38. | `Lighting_Color
  39. | `Marker_End
  40. | `Marker_Mid
  41. | `Marker_Start
  42. | `Mask
  43. | `OnActivate
  44. | `OnClick
  45. | `OnFocusIn
  46. | `OnFocusOut
  47. | `OnLoad
  48. | `OnMouseDown
  49. | `OnMouseMove
  50. | `OnMouseOut
  51. | `OnMouseOver
  52. | `OnMouseUp
  53. | `Opacity
  54. | `Overflow
  55. | `Pointer_Events
  56. | `RequiredExtensions
  57. | `RequiredFeatures
  58. | `Shape_Rendering
  59. | `Stop_Color
  60. | `Stop_Opacity
  61. | `Stroke
  62. | `Stroke_Dasharray
  63. | `Stroke_Dashoffset
  64. | `Stroke_Linecap
  65. | `Stroke_Linejoin
  66. | `Stroke_Miterlimit
  67. | `Stroke_Opacity
  68. | `Stroke_Width
  69. | `Style
  70. | `SystemLanguage
  71. | `Text_Anchor
  72. | `Text_Decoration
  73. | `Text_Rendering
  74. | `Transform
  75. | `Unicode_Bidi
  76. | `Visibility
  77. | `Width
  78. | `Word_Spacing
  79. | `Writing_Mode
  80. | `X
  81. | `Xml_base
  82. | `Xml_lang
  83. | `Xml_space
  84. | `Y

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