package trax

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type location =
  1. | Text of string
  2. | Raw_backtrace of Printexc.raw_backtrace

    The type of locations that make up the exception trace

exception Traced of exn * location list

Any exception and its trace

val wrap : location -> exn -> exn

Add location to this exception's trace. If the input exception is not already wrapped, it gets wrapped into a Traced exception. If the original exception is already wrapped in a Traced exception, it gets unwrapped and rewrapped with the new, extended trace.

val unwrap : exn -> exn

Recover the original exception, for inspection purposes. For instance Traced(Not_found, [...]) would become Not_found.

val wrap_with_stack_trace : exn -> exn

Wrap an exception with the current exception backtrace (stack trace recorded at the point where the exception was raised, assuming no other exception was raised in-between). This is only guaranteed to work right after catching an exception with a try-with.

val raise_at : location -> exn -> 'a

Raise or reraise an exception after adding a location to its trace.

val raise : string -> exn -> 'a

Raise or reraise an exception after adding a text location to its trace. Typical usage is Trax.raise __LOC__ e.

val reraise_with_stack_trace : exn -> 'a

Re-raise an exception after wrapping it with the current exception backtrace (stack trace recorded at the point where the exception was raised, assuming no other exception was raised in-between). This is only guaranteed to work right after catching an exception with a try-with.

val raw_backtrace_to_string : Printexc.raw_backtrace -> string

Convert a stack trace to readable lines. Duplicate lines are omitted and replaced by '...' or similar.

This is a replacement for Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string.

val to_string : exn -> string

Format the exception and its trace into text.

val get_trace : exn -> string

Format the trace into text

val print : out_channel -> exn -> unit

Print the exception and its trace.


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