package travesty

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Result monad extensions.

This module contains bi-traversability for Base's Result monad.

type ('ok, 'err) t = ('ok, 'err) Base.Result.t

Defined to let this module be used directly in chaining operations etc.

Travesty signatures

Result is a bi-traversable type, with the left type being the result type, and the right type the error type. This is backwards from Haskell conventions, but matches the positions of the type parameters.

include Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.S2 with type ('ok, 'err) t := ('ok, 'err) t
include Base.T2 with type ('ok, 'err) t := ('ok, 'err) t
include Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r
include Travesty.Generic_types.Bi_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := 'r

We can do non-monadic bi-mapping operations.

include Travesty.Bi_mappable_types.Generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r
include Travesty.Bi_mappable_types.Basic_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := 'r
include Travesty.Generic_types.Bi_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := 'r
val bi_map : ('l1, 'r1) t -> left:('l1 -> 'l2) -> right:('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('l2, 'r2) t

bi_map c ~left ~right maps left over every 'l1 left, and right over every 'r1 right, in c.

val map_left : ('l1, 'r) t -> f:('l1 -> 'l2) -> ('l2, 'r) t

map_left c ~f maps f over the left type of c only.

val map_right : ('l, 'r1) t -> f:('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('l, 'r2) t

map_right c ~f maps f over the right type of c only.

module On_monad (M : Base.Monad.S) : Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Generic_on_monad with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r and module M := M

On_monad implements monadic bi-traversal operators for a given monad M.

module With_errors : Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Generic_on_monad with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r and module M := Base.Or_error

With_errors specialises On_monad to the error_monad.


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