package travesty

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Bi-traversability for pairs (2-tuples).

type ('l, 'r) t = 'l * 'r

Type of 2-tuples.

Pairs are trivially bi-traversable; for a pair 'l * 'r, the left type is 'l, and the right type is 'r.

For example, we can bi-map as follows:

bi_map ("foo", 27) ~left:String.capitalize ~right:Int.neg
(* returns: ("Foo", -27) *)
include Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.S2 with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t
include Base.T2 with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t
include Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r
include Travesty.Generic_types.Bi_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := 'r

We can do non-monadic bi-mapping operations.

include Travesty.Bi_mappable_types.Generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r
include Travesty.Bi_mappable_types.Basic_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := 'r
include Travesty.Generic_types.Bi_generic with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t with type 'l left := 'l with type 'r right := 'r
val bi_map : ('l1, 'r1) t -> left:('l1 -> 'l2) -> right:('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('l2, 'r2) t

bi_map c ~left ~right maps left over every 'l1 left, and right over every 'r1 right, in c.

val map_left : ('l1, 'r) t -> f:('l1 -> 'l2) -> ('l2, 'r) t

map_left c ~f maps f over the left type of c only.

val map_right : ('l, 'r1) t -> f:('r1 -> 'r2) -> ('l, 'r2) t

map_right c ~f maps f over the right type of c only.

module On_monad (M : Base.Monad.S) : Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Generic_on_monad with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r and module M := M

On_monad implements monadic bi-traversal operators for a given monad M.

module With_errors : Travesty.Bi_traversable_types.Generic_on_monad with type ('l, 'r) t := ('l, 'r) t and type 'l left := 'l and type 'r right := 'r and module M := Base.Or_error

With_errors specialises On_monad to the error_monad.


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