package timedesc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val make : string -> t option

Makes a time zone from name.

Naming follows the convention used in /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/ distributed on Linux, e.g. "Australia/Sydney".

See available_time_zones for checking usable time zone names at runtime.

Alternatively, if you are using timedesc.tzdb.full (the default implementation for timedesc.tzdb), then you can also see available-time-zones.txt for available time zones.

make handles names with "UTC" prefix specially, following holds regardless of DB backend chosen

  • UTC is alway interpreted as utc
  • UTC+/-offset is always interpreted as call to make_offset_only with the provided signed offset
    • e.g. "UTC+1:30" is equivalent to make_offset_only (Span.For_human.make_exn ~hours:1 ~minutes:30 ())
    • offset may be single/double digit hour, optionally followed by colon and single/double digit minute
val make_exn : string -> t
val name : t -> string
val utc : t
val local : unit -> t option
val local_exn : unit -> t
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val recorded_offsets : t -> int list

Returns the recorded offsets of a time zone in ascending order

val available_time_zones : string list
val make_offset_only : Span.t -> t option

This is mainly used for when you only have an offset to work with, and you don't need to do any accurate search over time zones.

One use of this is to create a time zone for to_string functions.

Returns None when offset exceeds 24 hours in size.

val make_offset_only_exn : Span.t -> t
val to_fixed_offset_from_utc : t -> Span.t option

Importing and exporting

type entry = {
  1. is_dst : bool;
  2. offset : int;
module Raw : sig ... end
module Compressed : sig ... end
module Sexp : sig ... end
module Db : sig ... end

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