Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
The main purpose of Tilde_f
is make code with a lot of nested function arguments more readable. The following expression:
E1 ~f:(fun w ->
E2 ~f:(fun x ->
E3 ~f:(fun y ->
E4 ~f:(fun z ->
can be written:
(let open Tilde_f.Let_syntax in
let%bind w = E1 in
let%bind x = E2 in
let%bind y = E3 in
let%bind z = E4 in
return E5)
A higher order function whose argument is labelled ~f
. Here are a few examples:
val Deferred.bind : 'a Deferred.t -> ('a, 'b Deferred.t, 'b Deferred.t) Tilde_f.t
val List.init : int -> (int, 'a list, int) Tilde_f.t
val List.iter : 'a list -> ('a, unit, unit) Tilde_f.t
val Option.value_map : 'a option -> default:'b -> ('a, 'b, 'b) Tilde_f.t
The Tilde_f
monad is harder to explain than to demonstrate. See the documentation at the top of this module for an explanation of how to use it.
include Base.Monad.S_indexed
with type ('f_in, 'ret, 'f_out) t := ('f_in, 'ret, 'f_out) t
module Let_syntax : sig ... end
module Monad_infix : sig ... end
val return : 'a -> ('a, 'i, 'i) t
Use curried
to adapt a function that passes two arguments to its ~f
. For example:
let%bind x, y = Tilde_f.of_curried (List.map2 lst1 lst2) in
f x y
Use of_unlabeled
to adapt a function that would have the right type for Tilde_f
if only its function argument was labeled. For example:
val Tilde_f.of_unlabeled Or_error.try_with : (unit, 'a Or_error.t, 'a) Tilde_f.t
val Tilde_f.of_unlabeled Deferred.create : ('a Ivar.t, 'a Deferred.t, unit) Tilde_f.t
Use of_local
to adapt a function that would have the right type for Tilde_f
except that its parameter is local.