package tezt-tezos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type version_range = {
  1. range_start : int;
  2. range_end : int option;
val in_range : version_range -> Protocol.t -> bool
type t = {
  1. prefix : string;
  2. dirname : string list;
  3. basename : string;
  4. name : string;
  5. version_range : version_range;
  6. depth : int;

Represents a Michelson script on the filesystem. Documentation for each field:

  • prefix This is the path to the scripts directory, for instance: michelson_scripts.
  • dirname This is the relative path under prefix that leads you to the actual script.
  • basename This is the name of the file in which the script is stored. E.g:
  • name This is the logical name of the script. E.g: if basename = then name = foobar.
  • version_range If the basename contains a version suffix foobar_MMM(_NNN).tz, then this value is {range_start = MMM, (range_end = NNN)}. If there is no version suffix, then this value is {range_start = 000, range_end = None}.
  • depth Depth in the directory at which this script is stored. Should equal List.length dirname.
val default_prefix : string

This is the directory that will be used as the "root", otherwise known as the "prefix", where michelson scripts will be searched for.

val find : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> string list -> Protocol.t -> t

Find a Michelson script file.

Usage: find name protocol

This returns PREFIX/ for the highest MMM and NNN such that MMM <= Protocol.number protocol <= NNN and such that this file exists. If no such file exists but PREFIX/ or PREFIX/ does, this returns the matching file instead. Else, this fails.

The intent is that:

  • new scripts are added without a _MMM suffix;
  • if a script needs to be adapted for a new protocol, the file is duplicated and the new version is suffixed with _MMM;
  • if a script is no longer needed for future protocols, it can be disabled by attaching _NNN such that NNN is the last protocol which it is valid for.

name is a list of path items where all but the last one are subdirectories and the last one is the base filename without

For instance, assume the following files exist:

  • michelson_scripts/foo/bar/
  • michelson_scripts/foo/bar/ Then path ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"] Lima returns: michelson_scripts/foo/bar/ while path ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"] Kathmandu returns: michelson_scripts/foo/bar/
val find_all : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> Protocol.t -> t list

find_all ?prefix ?maxdepth protocol returns all Michelson scripts for a given protocol up to a maxdepth maxdepth. Setting ~maxdepth:1 is useful when you don't want to recurse into subdirectories.

For instance, assume the following files exist:

  • prefix/
  • prefix/
  • prefix/
  • prefix/b/
  • prefix/b/
  • prefix/b/
  • prefix/d/e/
  • prefix/d/e/

And assume p is a Protocol.t such that Protocol.number p = 015.

find_all p returns:

  • prefix/
  • prefix/b/
  • prefix/d/e/
val find_all_res : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> Protocol.t -> (t list, string * string) result
val find_all_in : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> Protocol.t -> string list -> t list

find_all_in protocol dirs returns all scripts in the folders dirs for the given protocol.

val find_all_legacy : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> Protocol.t -> t list

Returns all scripts in the legacy directory for the given protocol.

val find_all_well_typed : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> Protocol.t -> t list

Returns all well typed scripts for the given protocol.

val find_all_ill_typed : ?prefix:string -> ?maxdepth:int -> Protocol.t -> t list

Returns all ill typed scripts for the given protocol.

val path : ?no_prefix:bool -> t -> string

The path to the script relative to / (the repo root).

If ?no_prefix is true, the prefix is excluded from the output string. This is mostly useful for pretty printing in tests.

val name : t -> string list

The logical name of the script. This includes the names of all the directories leading to the script as well as the basename of the script itself without any version information or extensions.

For instance, assume the following files exist:

  • prefix/
  • prefix/
  • prefix/baz/

If each of those files is represented by a value v of type t, then calling name v on each v would result in the following:

  • "foo"
  • "bar"
  • "baz"; "quux"
val name_s : t -> string

The logical name as a string. This is name t |> String.concat "/". This function is mostly used as a convenient pretty printer.

NOTE: Filename.dir_sep is _not_ used because name is not a path.

val pretty_string : t -> string

Pretty printer for t. This is mostly useful for debugging.


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