package tezt-tezos

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t

EVM proxy server state.

val create : ?runner:Tezt.Runner.t -> ?rpc_addr:string -> ?rpc_port:int -> Sc_rollup_node.t -> t

create ?runner ?rpc_addr ?rpc_port rollup_node creates an EVM proxy server.

The server listens to requests at address rpc_addr and the port rpc_port. rpc_addr defaults to "" and a fresh port is chosen if rpc_port is not set.

The server communicates with a rollup-node and sets its endpoint via rollup_node.

val run : t -> unit Lwt.t

run proxy_server launches the EVM proxy server with the arguments given during create.

val init : ?runner:Tezt.Runner.t -> ?rpc_addr:string -> ?rpc_port:int -> Sc_rollup_node.t -> t Lwt.t

init ?runner ?rpc_addr ?rpc_port rollup_node creates an EVM proxy server with create and runs it with run.

val spawn_run : t -> Tezt.Process.t

spawn_run proxy_server same as run but spawns a process.

val endpoint : t -> string

endpoint proxy_server returns the endpoint to communicate with the proxy_server.

val call_evm_rpc : t -> method_:string -> parameters:Tezt.JSON.u -> Tezt.JSON.t Lwt.t

call_evm_rpc proxy_server ~method_ ~parameters sends a JSON-RPC request to the proxy_server, for the given method_ and parameters.


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