package tezos-sapling

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type ak = R.ak

Public signature key. Note: if this key is exposed there is privacy loss! Only randomised version of it (rk) are published.

type nk = R.nk

Public nullifier key. Note: if this key is exposed there is privacy loss! Only randomised version of it (rk) are published.

type ivk = R.ivk
type pkd = R.pkd
type ovk = R.ovk
type diversifier = R.diversifier

Used to create an address from a viewing key.

val diversifier_encoding : R.diversifier Data_encoding.encoding
type full_viewing_key = R.full_viewing_key = {
  1. ak : ak;
  2. nk : nk;
  3. ovk : ovk;

Full viewing key contains ak, nsk, ovk

type t = R.zip32_full_viewing_key = {
  1. depth : Bytes.t;
  2. parent_fvk_tag : Bytes.t;
  3. child_index : Bytes.t;
  4. chain_code : Bytes.t;
  5. fvk : full_viewing_key;
  6. dk : Bytes.t;

Type t additionally contains zip-32 related info

val ovk_of_xfvk : t -> ovk
val encoding : t Data_encoding.t
val of_bytes : Bytes.t -> R.zip32_full_viewing_key option
val of_sk : Spending_key.t -> t
type index = R.diversifier_index
val compare_index : R.diversifier_index -> R.diversifier_index -> int
val index_to_int64 : R.diversifier_index -> int64
val index_of_int64 : int64 -> R.diversifier_index
val default_index : R.diversifier_index
type address = {
  1. diversifier : diversifier;
  2. pkd : pkd;
val address_encoding : address Data_encoding.encoding
val address_b58check_encoding : address Tezos_crypto.Base58.encoding
val to_ivk : t -> R.ivk
val dummy_address : unit -> address

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