package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Tezos Protocol Implementation - Typed storage

This module hides the hierarchical (key x value) database under pre-allocated typed accessors for all persistent entities of the tezos context.

This interface enforces no invariant on the contents of the database. Its goal is to centralize all accessors in order to have a complete view over the database contents and avoid key collisions.

module type Simple_single_data_storage = sig ... end
type missed_attestations_info = {
  1. remaining_slots : int;
  2. missed_levels : int;
module Slashed_deposits_history : sig ... end
module Unstake_request : sig ... end
module Contract : sig ... end

Storage from this submodule must only be accessed through the module `Contract`.

module Big_map : sig ... end
module Sapling : sig ... end

Set of all active consensus keys in cycle `current + consensus_rights_delay + 1`

The pending consensus key of a delegate at the given cycle

All denunciations of the current and previous cycles that will have an effect (slashing, reward), i.e. all below 100%, deferred to the end of their slashing period.

History of slashed deposits: an associative list of cycles to slashed percentages.

type denounced = {
  1. for_double_preattesting : bool;
  2. for_double_attesting : bool;
  3. for_double_baking : bool;

This type is used to track which denunciations have already been recorded, to avoid slashing multiple times the same event.

val default_denounced : denounced

denounced with all fields set to false.

module Stake : sig ... end

State of the sampler used to select delegates. Managed synchronously with Stake.Selected_distribution_for_cycle.

Compounding reward bonus for Adaptive Issuance

Multiplicative coefficient for rewards under Adaptive Issuance (Includes the bonus)


module Vote : sig ... end
module type FOR_CYCLE = sig ... end


module Seed : sig ... end

Storage from this submodule must only be accessed through the module `Seed`.


module Ramp_up : sig ... end

Ramp up rewards

module Pending_migration : sig ... end
module Liquidity_baking : sig ... end
module Adaptive_issuance : sig ... end
module Global_constants : sig ... end

A map of Script_repr.expr values, indexed by their hash (Script_expr_hash.t). Values from this map can be incorporated by any contract via the primitive Michelson_v1_primitives.H_constant.

module Ticket_balance : sig ... end

This module exposes a balance table for tracking ticket ownership. The table is a mapping from keys to values where the keys consist of a hashed representation of:


module Tenderbake : sig ... end
module Sc_rollup : sig ... end
module Dal : sig ... end
module Zk_rollup : sig ... end
module Legacy : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.