package tezos-protocol-alpha
This module defines the protocol representation of a level. Besides the "raw level", which is the shell's notion of the level, this representation also contains additional information, like the cycle the level belongs to.
type t = private {
level : Raw_level_repr.t;
(*The level of the block relative to genesis. This is also the Shell's notion of level.
*)level_position : int32;
(*The level of the block relative to the block that starts the alpha family of protocols.
*)cycle : Cycle_repr.t;
(*The current cycle's number. Note that cycles are a protocol-specific notion. As a result, the cycle number starts at 0 with the first block of the first version of protocol alpha.
*)cycle_position : int32;
(*The current level of the block relative to the first block of the current cycle.
*)expected_commitment : bool;
type level = t
include Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Compare.S with type t := level
val encoding : level Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Data_encoding.t
val pp : Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Format.formatter -> level -> unit
val pp_full :
Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Format.formatter ->
level ->
type cycle_era = {
first_level : Raw_level_repr.t;
(*The first level of a cycle era.
*)first_cycle : Cycle_repr.t;
(*The first cycle of a cycle era.
*)blocks_per_cycle : int32;
(*The value of the blocks_per_cycle constant used during the cycle era starting with first_level.
*)blocks_per_commitment : int32;
(*The value of the blocks_per_commitment constant used during the cycle era starting with first_level.
A cycle era is a chunk of cycles having the same number of levels per cycle and the same number of blocks per commitment.
val cycle_eras_encoding :
cycle_eras Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Data_encoding.t
val create_cycle_eras :
cycle_era list ->
cycle_eras Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.tzresult
Preconditions on the input list of cycle eras:
- the list is not empty
- the first levels and the first cycles are decreasing, meaning that the first era in the list is the current era, and the last era in the list is the oldest era Invariants:
- the first era therefore contains the same constants as in Constants
- the first level of an era is the first level of a cycle
val add_cycle_era :
cycle_era ->
cycle_eras ->
cycle_eras Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.tzresult
Add a new cycle era
val current_era : cycle_eras -> cycle_era
Returns the current era
val root_level : cycle_eras -> level
Returns the first level of the oldest era
val cycle_from_raw : cycle_eras:cycle_eras -> Raw_level_repr.t -> Cycle_repr.t
Returns the cycle corresponding to a raw level
val level_from_raw : cycle_eras:cycle_eras -> Raw_level_repr.t -> level
Returns the annotated level corresponding to a raw level
val level_from_raw_with_offset :
cycle_eras:cycle_eras ->
offset:int32 ->
Raw_level_repr.t ->
level Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.tzresult
Returns the annotated level corresponding to a raw level and an offset. A positive offset corresponds to a higher level. Fails with Negative_level_and_offset_sum
if the sum of the raw_level and the offset is negative. Fails with Level_not_in_alpha
if the sum of the raw_level and the offset is a level before the first level in the Alpha family of protocols.
val first_level_in_cycle_from_eras :
cycle_eras:cycle_eras ->
Cycle_repr.t ->
Returns the first level of the given cycle.
val last_of_cycle : cycle_eras:cycle_eras -> level -> bool
Returns true if the given level is the last of a cycle.
module Internal_for_tests : sig ... end