package tezos-protocol-alpha
This module maintains the storage related to forbidden delegates. It is responsible for maintaining the Storage.Tenderbake.Forbidden_delegates
val is_forbidden :
Raw_context.t ->
Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Signature.Public_key_hash.t ->
is_forbidden ctxt delegate
returns true
if the given delegate
is forbidden to bake or attest.
val forbid :
Raw_context.t ->
Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Signature.public_key_hash ->
Raw_context.t Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Lwt.t
forbid ctxt delegate
adds delegate
to the set of forbidden delegates.
val load :
Raw_context.t ->
Raw_context.t Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.tzresult
load ctxt
reads from the storage the saved set of forbidden delegates and sets the raw context's in-memory cached value.
val update_at_cycle_end_after_slashing :
Raw_context.t ->
new_cycle:Cycle_repr.t ->
Raw_context.t Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.tzresult
Unforbids all delegates who
- have no pending denunciations (for which slashing has yet to be applied), and
- have enough current frozen deposits to insure their previously computed baking rights for
This function should be called at the end of each cycle, after having applied any slashings that were scheduled for the same cycle end.
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"