package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. slot_index : Dal_slot_index_repr.t;
  2. commitment : Dal_slot_repr.Commitment.t;
  3. commitment_proof : Dal_slot_repr.Commitment_proof.t;

A "publish slot header" operation contains

  • a slot_index which is the slot index associated with the commitment.
  • a commitment which is a commitment to the slot data published onto the DAL
  • a commitment_proof which aims to prove that the size of the slot data does not exceed a limit set by the protocol.

slot_header ~cryptobox ~number_of_slots ~current_level operation constructs a valid slot header. This function can fail in the following cases:

  • The published_level is not equal to current_level
  • The commitment_proof is invalid
  • The slot_index is invalid

Innovation. Community. Security.