package tezos-protocol-alpha

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type player =
  1. | Alice
  2. | Bob
val player_equal : player -> player -> bool
type dissection_chunk = Dissection_chunk.t
type game_state =
  1. | Dissecting of {
    1. dissection : dissection_chunk list;
    2. default_number_of_sections : int;
  2. | Final_move of {
    1. agreed_start_chunk : dissection_chunk;
    2. refuted_stop_chunk : dissection_chunk;
val game_state_equal : game_state -> game_state -> bool
type t = {
  1. turn : player;
  2. inbox_snapshot : Inbox.history_proof;
  3. dal_snapshot : Dal.Slots_history.t;
  4. start_level : Raw_level.t;
  5. inbox_level : Raw_level.t;
  6. game_state : game_state;
module Index : sig ... end
val opponent : player -> player
type step =
  1. | Dissection of dissection_chunk list
  2. | Proof of Proof.serialized Proof.t
type refutation =
  1. | Start of {
    1. player_commitment_hash : Commitment.Hash.t;
    2. opponent_commitment_hash : Commitment.Hash.t;
  2. | Move of {
    1. choice : Tick.t;
    2. step : step;
type reason =
  1. | Conflict_resolved
  2. | Timeout
type game_result =
  1. | Loser of {
    1. reason : reason;
    2. loser : Staker.t;
  2. | Draw
type status =
  1. | Ongoing
  2. | Ended of game_result
val initial : Inbox.history_proof -> Dal.Slots_history.t -> start_level:Raw_level.t -> parent_commitment:Commitment.t -> defender_commitment:Commitment.t -> refuter:Staker.t -> defender:Staker.t -> default_number_of_sections:int -> t
val play : Kind.t -> Dal.parameters -> dal_activation_level:Raw_level.t option -> dal_attestation_lag:int -> dal_number_of_slots:int -> stakers:Index.t -> Metadata.t -> t -> step:step -> choice:Tick.t -> is_reveal_enabled:is_reveal_enabled -> dal_attested_slots_validity_lag:int -> (game_result, t) Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Either.t Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.tzresult Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Lwt.t
type timeout = {
  1. alice : int;
  2. bob : int;
  3. last_turn_level : Raw_level.t;
type Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Dissection_choice_not_found of Tick.t
  2. | Proof_unexpected_section_size of Tezos_protocol_environment_alpha.Z.t
  3. | Proof_start_state_hash_mismatch of {
    1. start_state_hash : State_hash.t option;
    2. start_proof : State_hash.t;
  4. | Proof_stop_state_hash_failed_to_refute of {
    1. stop_state_hash : State_hash.t option;
    2. stop_proof : State_hash.t option;
  5. | Proof_stop_state_hash_failed_to_validate of {
    1. stop_state_hash : State_hash.t option;
    2. stop_proof : State_hash.t option;
  6. | Dissecting_during_final_move
module Internal_for_tests : sig ... end

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