package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A carbonated storage for stakers (identified by their public key hashes) that are able to stake on commitments. If the storage is empty then the rollup is public (anyone can publish commitments for the rollup), otherwise it is private (only the members of the whitelist can publish commitments).

Returns true if and only if the set contains no elements. Consumes Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost

Tells whether an elt is a member of the set. Consumes Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost

Adds an elt as a member of the set. Consumes Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the new value>. Returns the new size.

Adds an elt as a member of the set. Consumes Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the new value>. Returns the new size, and true if the value previously existed.

Removes an elt from the set ; does nothing if not a member. Consumes Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost Returns the freed size, and a boolean indicating if a value was already associated to this key.

Removes all elt from the set. Consumes Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost

This function does not returns the freed size. This is because it would need to fold over all keys or add a size accumulator and no usage exists so far.

val fold_keys_unaccounted : context -> order:[ `Sorted | `Undefined ] -> init:'acc -> f:(elt -> 'acc -> 'acc Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Lwt.t) -> 'acc Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Lwt.t

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