package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

High-level operations over smart contract rollups.

type Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Sc_rollup_invalid_parameters_type
  2. | Sc_rollup_invalid_last_cemented_commitment
  3. | Sc_rollup_invalid_output_proof
  4. | Sc_rollup_invalid_outbox_level
type execute_outbox_message_result = {
  1. paid_storage_size_diff : Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Z.t;
  2. ticket_receipt : Ticket_receipt.t;
  3. operations : Script_typed_ir.packed_internal_operation list;
  4. whitelist_update : Alpha_context.Sc_rollup.Whitelist.update option;

Result of calling the execute_outbox_message function.

originate ?whitelist context ~kind ~boot_sector ~parameters_ty adds a new rollup running in a given kind initialized with a boot_sector and to accept smart contract calls of type parameters_ty.

execute_outbox_message ctxt rollup ~cemented_commitment ~output_proof validates the given outbox message and prepares a set of resulting operations.

validate_untyped_parameters_ty ctxt script parses the type and check that the entrypoints are well-formed.

module Internal_for_tests : sig ... end

A module used for testing purposes only.


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