package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC
val init :
own_frozen:Tez_repr.t ->
staked_frozen:Tez_repr.t ->
delegated:Tez_repr.t ->
current_level:Level_repr.t ->
val encoding : t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Data_encoding.t
val voting_weight :
t ->
The weight of a delegate used for voting rights.
val apply_slashing : percentage:Percentage.t -> t -> t
val own_frozen : t -> Tez_repr.t
The delegate's own frozen funds.
val staked_frozen : t -> Tez_repr.t
The total frozen funds from all external stakers.
Does not take the limit_of_staking_over_baking
into account.
val current_delegated : t -> Tez_repr.t
The total delegated funds from all delegators.
Not adjusted considering overdelegation / overstaking.
val min_delegated_in_cycle : current_cycle:Cycle_repr.t -> t -> Tez_repr.t
val total_frozen :
t ->
Tez_repr.t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
Sum of own_frozen
and staked_frozen
val current_total :
t ->
Tez_repr.t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
Sum of own_frozen
, staked_frozen
, and current_delegated
val allowed_staked_frozen :
adaptive_issuance_global_limit_of_staking_over_baking:int ->
delegate_limit_of_staking_over_baking_millionth:int32 ->
t ->
The portion of staked_frozen
that actually counts as staking when computing baking rights, considering both the global and the delegate's limit_of_staking_over_baking
It is equal to the minimum of:
scaled by the delegate'slimit_of_staking_over_baking
scaled by the globallimit_of_staking_over_baking
val own_ratio :
adaptive_issuance_global_limit_of_staking_over_baking:int ->
delegate_limit_of_staking_over_baking_millionth:int32 ->
t ->
int64 * int64
Computes (num, den)
representing the ratio of own_frozen
over own_frozen + allowed_staked_frozen
If allowed_staked_frozen
is zero, returns (1L, 1L)
If own_frozen
is zero, returns (0L, 1L)
val has_minimal_frozen_stake : minimal_frozen_stake:Tez_repr.t -> t -> bool
val has_minimal_stake_to_be_considered : minimal_stake:Tez_repr.t -> t -> bool
val remove_delegated :
current_level:Level_repr.t ->
amount:Tez_repr.t ->
t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
val remove_own_frozen :
amount:Tez_repr.t ->
t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
val remove_staked_frozen :
amount:Tez_repr.t ->
t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
val add_delegated :
current_level:Level_repr.t ->
amount:Tez_repr.t ->
t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
val add_own_frozen :
amount:Tez_repr.t ->
t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
val add_staked_frozen :
amount:Tez_repr.t ->
t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.tzresult
module Internal_for_tests_and_RPCs : sig ... end