package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

record_global_constant_storage_space ctxt size records paid storage space for registering a new global constant. Cost is <size> in bytes + 65 additional bytes for the key hash of the expression. Returns new context and the cost.

record_paid_storage_space ctxt contract updates the amount of storage consumed by the contract. This total size is considered as accounted for as far as future payment is concerned.

Returns a new context, the total space consumed by the contract, and the additional (and unpaid) space consumed since the last call of this function on this contract.

check_storage_limit ctxt ~storage_limit raises the Storage_limit_too_high error iff storage_limit is negative or greater the constant hard_storage_limit_per_operation.

burn_storage_fees ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed takes funds from the payer to pay the cost of the consumed storage. This function has an optional parameter ~origin that allows to set the origin of returned balance updates (by default the parameter is set to Block_application). Returns an updated context, an updated storage limit equal to storage_limit - consumed, and the relevant balance updates. Raises the Operation_quota_exceeded error if storage_limit < consumed. Raises the Cannot_pay_storage_fee error if the funds from the payer are not sufficient to pay the storage fees.

burn_storage_increase_fees ctxt ~payer amount_in_bytes takes funds from the payer to pay the cost of the amount_in_bytes storage. This function has an optional parameter ~origin that allows to set the origin of returned balance updates (by default the parameter is set to Block_application). Returns an updated context and the relevant balance updates. Raises the Negative_storage_input error if the amount_in_bytes is null or negative. Raises the Cannot_pay_storage_fee error if the funds from the payer are not sufficient to pay the storage fees.

burn_sc_rollup_origination_fees ~origin ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed burns the storage fees for smart contract rollup creation fees.

burn_zk_rollup_origination_fees ~origin ctxt ~storage_limit ~payer consumed burns the storage fees for ZK rollup origination fees.


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