package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Management of a delegate's consensus key, the one used to sign blocks and consensus operations. It is responsible for maintaining the tables Storage.Consensus_keys, Storage.Contract.Consensus_key, and Storage.Contract.Pending_consensus_keys.

type Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Invalid_consensus_key_update_noop of Cycle_repr.t
  2. | Invalid_consensus_key_update_active
  3. | Invalid_consensus_key_update_tz4 of Tezos_protocol_environment_020_PsParisC.Bls.Public_key.t

The public key hash of a consensus key and the associated delegate.

val zero : t
val pkh : pk -> t

check_not_tz4 pk checks that pk is not a BLS address.

Activate consensus keys at the beginning of cycle new_cycle.


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