package tezos-protocol-020-PsParisC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module re-exports definitions from Sapling_repr, Sapling_storage and Sapling_validator.

module Id : sig ... end

See Sapling_state.Id.

Create a fresh sapling state in the context.

module Memo_size : sig ... end
type state = private {
  1. id : Id.t option;
  2. diff : diff;
  3. memo_size : Memo_size.t;
val empty_state : ?id:Id.t -> memo_size:Memo_size.t -> unit -> state

Returns a state with fields filled accordingly. id should only be used by extract_lazy_storage_updates.

val transaction_get_memo_size : transaction -> Memo_size.t option
type alloc = {
  1. memo_size : Memo_size.t;
type updates = diff
val transaction_in_memory_size : transaction -> Cache_memory_helpers.sint
val diff_in_memory_size : diff -> Cache_memory_helpers.sint
module Legacy : sig ... end

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