package tezos-protocol-019-PtParisB

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

A module for handling ticket-tokens. A ticket-token represents the combination of a ticketer (creator of a ticket) and the content. That is, a ticket comprises a ticket-token and an amount.

type 'a parsed_token = {
  1. ticketer : Alpha_context.Contract.t;
  2. contents_type : 'a Script_typed_ir.comparable_ty;
  3. contents : 'a;
type ex_token =
  1. | Ex_token : 'a parsed_token -> ex_token

A type for representing existentially quantified ticket-tokens. A ticket-token consists of a pair of ticketer and contents.

type unparsed_token = {
  1. ticketer : Alpha_context.Contract.t;
  2. contents_type : Alpha_context.Script.expr;
  3. contents : Alpha_context.Script.expr;

Unparsed version of parsed_token. Used to encode/decode ticket-token in receipt, RPC, etc.


Innovation. Community. Security.