package tezos-protocol-019-PtParisB

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module contains constants and utility functions for gas metering functions used for extracting and handling tickets for the global ticket balance table.

module Constants : sig ... end

consume_gas_steps ctxt ~num_steps consumes gas corresponding to a given num_steps and step_cost. It's useful for paying for gas upfront where the number of steps can be determined.

This function is generic and should probably be moved. See issue

val has_tickets_of_ty_cost : ('a, _) Script_typed_ir.ty -> Saturation_repr.may_saturate Saturation_repr.t

has_tickets_of_ty_cost ty returns the cost of producing a has_tickets, used internally in the Ticket_scanner module.

negate_cost z returns the cost of negating the given value z.

add_int_cost n1 n2 returns the cost of adding the values n1 and n2.

add_z_cost z1 z2 returns the cost of adding the values z1 and z2.


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