package tezos-protocol-019-PtParisB

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module provides functions to extract the value of protocol parameters from the context. See Constant_repr.parametric for more details about these values.

val consensus_rights_delay : Raw_context.t -> int
val blocks_preservation_cycles : Raw_context.t -> int
val delegate_parameters_activation_delay : Raw_context.t -> int
val blocks_per_cycle : Raw_context.t -> int32
val blocks_per_commitment : Raw_context.t -> int32
val nonce_revelation_threshold : Raw_context.t -> int32
val cycles_per_voting_period : Raw_context.t -> int32
val hard_gas_limit_per_operation : Raw_context.t -> Gas_limit_repr.Arith.integral
val hard_gas_limit_per_block : Raw_context.t -> Gas_limit_repr.Arith.integral
val cost_per_byte : Raw_context.t -> Tez_repr.t
val hard_storage_limit_per_operation : Raw_context.t -> Tezos_protocol_environment_019_PtParisB.Z.t
val proof_of_work_threshold : Raw_context.t -> int64
val minimal_stake : Raw_context.t -> Tez_repr.t
val minimal_frozen_stake : Raw_context.t -> Tez_repr.t
val vdf_difficulty : Raw_context.t -> int64
val origination_size : Raw_context.t -> int
val quorum_min : Raw_context.t -> int32
val quorum_max : Raw_context.t -> int32
val min_proposal_quorum : Raw_context.t -> int32
val liquidity_baking_toggle_ema_threshold : Raw_context.t -> int32
val consensus_committee_size : Raw_context.t -> int
val consensus_threshold : Raw_context.t -> int
val minimal_participation_ratio : Raw_context.t -> Ratio_repr.t
val limit_of_delegation_over_baking : Raw_context.t -> int
val percentage_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_baking : Raw_context.t -> Percentage.t
val percentage_of_frozen_deposits_slashed_per_double_attestation : Raw_context.t -> Percentage.t
val minimal_block_delay : Raw_context.t -> Period_repr.t
val delay_increment_per_round : Raw_context.t -> Period_repr.t
val sc_rollup_arith_pvm_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val sc_rollup_origination_size : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_challenge_window_in_blocks : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_stake_amount : Raw_context.t -> Tez_repr.t
val sc_rollup_commitment_period_in_blocks : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_max_lookahead_in_blocks : Raw_context.t -> int32
val sc_rollup_max_active_outbox_levels : Raw_context.t -> int32
val sc_rollup_max_outbox_messages_per_level : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_number_of_sections_in_dissection : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_max_number_of_parallel_games : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_riscv_pvm_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val max_number_of_stored_cemented_commitments : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_timeout_period_in_blocks : Raw_context.t -> int
val sc_rollup_private_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val dal_number_of_slots : Raw_context.t -> int
val dal_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val zk_rollup_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val zk_rollup_min_pending_to_process : Raw_context.t -> int
val zk_rollup_origination_size : Raw_context.t -> int
val zk_rollup_max_ticket_payload_size : Raw_context.t -> int
val adaptive_issuance_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val adaptive_issuance_global_limit_of_staking_over_baking : Raw_context.t -> int
val adaptive_issuance_edge_of_staking_over_delegation : Raw_context.t -> int
val adaptive_issuance_launch_ema_threshold : Raw_context.t -> int32
val adaptive_issuance_activation_vote_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val adaptive_issuance_rewards_params : Raw_context.t -> Constants_parametric_repr.adaptive_rewards_params
val adaptive_issuance_autostaking_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val adaptive_issuance_force_activation : Raw_context.t -> bool
val adaptive_issuance_ns_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool
val direct_ticket_spending_enable : Raw_context.t -> bool

The following accessors are not actual parameters, but constants that derive from the protocol parameter.

val issuance_modification_delay : Raw_context.t -> int

Delay, in cycles, before the current state of the stake impacts the issuance rate.

val adaptive_issuance_activation_delay : Raw_context.t -> int

Delay, in cycles, before activation of AI after the voting EMA threshold is reached

val tolerated_inactivity_period : Raw_context.t -> int

Tolerated period of inactivity, in cycles, before a delegate is deactivated

val consensus_key_activation_delay : Raw_context.t -> int

Delay before the activation of a consensus key, in cycles

Number of cycles during which a misbehavior of a delegate will induce a slashing of the funds that are currently in its frozen deposit.

val slashable_deposits_period : Raw_context.t -> int

Innovation. Community. Security.