package tezos-protocol-016-PtMumbai

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Tezos_protocol_environment_016_PtMumbai.Context.CACHE with type t := t and type size := int and type index := int and type identifier := string and type key = Tezos_protocol_environment_016_PtMumbai.Context.Cache.key and type value = Tezos_protocol_environment_016_PtMumbai.Context.Cache.value
val key_of_identifier : cache_index:int -> string -> key
val identifier_of_key : key -> string
val set_cache_layout : t -> int list -> t Tezos_protocol_environment_016_PtMumbai.Lwt.t
val update : t -> key -> (value * int) option -> t
val clear : t -> t
val list_keys : t -> cache_index:int -> (key * int) list option
val key_rank : t -> key -> int option
val future_cache_expectation : t -> time_in_blocks:int -> t
val cache_size : t -> cache_index:int -> int option
val cache_size_limit : t -> cache_index:int -> int option

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