package tezos-protocol-015-PtLimaPt

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
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  1. Overview

Slot endorsement representation for the data-availability layer.


For the data-availability layer, the layer 1 provides a list of slots at every level (see dal_slot_repr). Slots are not posted directly onto L1 blocks. Stakeholders (via endorsements) can commit on the availability of the data.

The slot is uniformly split into shards. Each endorser commits for every slot at every level on the availability of all shards they are assigned to.

This module encapsulates the representation of this commitment that aims to be provided with endorsement operations. To avoid overloading the network, this representation should be compact.

type t
type available_slots = t
val empty : t

empty returns an empty slot_endorsement which commits that every slot are unavailable.

val is_available : t -> Dal_slot_repr.Index.t -> bool

is_available slot_endorsement ~index returns true if the slot_endorsement commits that the slot at index is available.

val commit : t -> Dal_slot_repr.Index.t -> t

commit slot_endorsement index commits into slot_endorsement that the index is available.

val occupied_size_in_bits : t -> int

occupied_size_in_bits slot_endorsement returns the size in bits of an endorsement.

val expected_size_in_bits : max_index:Dal_slot_repr.Index.t -> int

expected_size_in_bits ~max_index returns the expected size (in bits) of an endorsement considering the maximum index for a slot is max_index.

module Accountability : sig ... end

This module is used to record the various data-availability endorsements.


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