package tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Manages all the voting related storage in Storage.Vote.

type ballots = {
  1. yay : int64;
  2. nay : int64;
  3. pass : int64;

Counts of the votes

Populates !Storage.Vote.Listings using the currently existing staking power and sets `Voting_power_in_listings`. Inactive delegates or delegates without rolls are not included in the listings.

type delegate_info = {
  1. voting_power : Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Int64.t option;
  2. current_ballot : Vote_repr.ballot option;
  3. current_proposals : Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Protocol_hash.t list;
  4. remaining_proposals : int;

Returns the sum of all voting power in the listings, without accounting for gas cost.

Returns the sum of all voting power in the listings.


Innovation. Community. Security.