package tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma
The state of a transaction rollup is a set of variables whose values vary in time, as the rollup progresses.
val initial_state :
pre_allocated_storage:Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Z.t ->
initial_state pre_allocated_storage
returns the initial state of a transaction rollup (after its origination) with pre_allocated_storage
bytes of storage already paid for.
val encoding : t Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Data_encoding.t
val pp : Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
update_burn_per_byte state ~elapsed ~factor ~final_size
updates the cost per byte to be paid for each message submitted to the rollup. This is done by computing a moving average for factor
snapshots. Each snapshot being the size of the total messages for the rollup. Hence each snapshot contributes to 1/(1 + factor)
to the average.
It may happen that the rollup does not receive any message for some period of time. The parameter elapsed
allows that to be taken into account. If elapsed=n
with n>=1
it is similar as if update_burn_per_byte
was called n
times with final_size=0
Once the exponential moving average ema
is computed, we use the hard limit
to know whether the cost per byte should be updated:
1. If ema <= 80
then the cost per byte is decreased
2. If 80 < ema <= 90
then the cost per byte is stable
3. If 90 < ema
then the cost ber byte is increased
The rationale behind this mechanics is to adapt the cost of a transactional rollup depending on its activity. This can be used to prevent from some spamming attacks.
val burn_cost :
limit:Tez_repr.t option ->
t ->
int ->
Tez_repr.t Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult
burn_cost ~limit state size
computes the burn to be paid to submit size
bytes in the inbox of the transactional rollup.
Returns Tx_rollup_submit_batch_burn_exceeded
if the (computed) burn exceeds limit
val has_valid_commitment_at : t -> Tx_rollup_level_repr.t -> bool
has_valid_commitment_at state level
returns true
iff there is a valid commitment for level
in the layer-1 storage.
On the contrary, if there is not commitment for level
in the layer-1 storage, or if there exists an orphan commitment (that is, a commitment which has been rejected, or with one of its ancestors that has been rejected) at level
, this function returns false
val uncommitted_inboxes_count : t -> int
uncommitted_inboxes_count state
returns the number of inboxes the rollup current has in the storage which did not receive a commitment yet.
val commitments_count : t -> int
commitments_count t
returns the number of commitment still in the layer-1 context.
val inboxes_count : t -> int
inboxes_count state
returns the number of inboxes the rollup current has in the storage.
val next_commitment_to_finalize : t -> Tx_rollup_level_repr.t option
next_commitment_to_finalize state
returns the rollup level of the next commitment to be finalized.
val next_commitment_to_remove : t -> Tx_rollup_level_repr.t option
next_commitment_to_remove state
returns the rollup level of the next commitment to be removed from the layer-1 context.
val finalized_commitment_oldest_level : t -> Tx_rollup_level_repr.t option
finalized_commitment_oldest_level state
returns the rollup level of the oldest finalized commitment.
val next_commitment_level :
t ->
Raw_level_repr.t ->
next_commitment_level current_level state
returns the expected level of the next valid commitment.
This function can return the error No_uncommitted_inbox
if there is no inbox awaiting a commitment.
val next_commitment_predecessor : t -> Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t option
next_commitment_predecessor state
returns the expected predecessor hash of the next valid commitment.
val record_inbox_creation :
t ->
Raw_level_repr.t ->
(t * Tx_rollup_level_repr.t * Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Z.t)
record_inbox_creation state level
updates the state of a rollup to take into account the creation of of a new inbox at the given Tezos level
, and returns the rollup level to associate to this inbox and the number of bytes allocated for the inbox.
This function may return an Internal_error
iff an inbox has already been created at a level greater (or equal) than level
. It is the responsibility of the caller to avoid that.
val record_inbox_deletion :
t ->
Tx_rollup_level_repr.t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult
record_inbox_deletion state level
updates state
to take into account the deletion of the inbox stored at Tezos level
from the storage.
This function returns an Internal_error
iff there is no inbox in the storage of the layer-1, or if level
is not the oldest level of rollup.
val record_commitment_creation :
t ->
Tx_rollup_level_repr.t ->
Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult
record_commitment_creation state level
updates state
to take into account the creation of a commitment at a given Tezos level
This function returns an Internal_error
if level
is not the successor level of the current commitment head, or if level
is greater than the inbox head.
val record_commitment_rejection :
t ->
Tx_rollup_level_repr.t ->
Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t option ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult
record_commitment_rejection state level pred_hash
updates state
to take into account the fact that the commitment for the inbox at level
has been rejected.
The caller is expected to provide the predecessor hash the next valid commitment needs to use. It can be omitted under two circumstances: if level = root
, or if the commitment identified by pred_hash
is no longer in the layer-1 context.
val record_commitment_deletion :
t ->
Tx_rollup_level_repr.t ->
Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t ->
Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t ->
t Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult
record_commitment_deletion state level msg_hash commitment_hash
updates state
to take into account the deletion of a commitment at a given rollup level
, and of given commitment_hash
and whose last message commitment is msg_hash
This function returns an Internal_error
if level
is not the commitment tail, that is the oldest finalized commitment.
val finalized_commitments_range :
t ->
(Tx_rollup_level_repr.t * Tx_rollup_level_repr.t) option
finalized_commitments_range state
returns the window of finalized commitments that have not yet been cleaned out
This function returns an Internal_error
if the state is inconsistent, which should not be possible.
val check_level_can_be_rejected :
t ->
Tx_rollup_level_repr.t ->
unit Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult
check_level_can_be_rejected state level
raises Cannot_reject_level
iff there does not exist a commitment at level
that is not yet finalized.
val last_removed_commitment_hashes :
t ->
(Tx_rollup_message_result_hash_repr.t * Tx_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t)
last_removed_commitment_hashes state
returns two hashes associated to the last removed commitment: the message result hash and the last commitment hash.
val head_levels : t -> (Tx_rollup_level_repr.t * Raw_level_repr.t) option
head_levels state
returns the level of the last inbox which has been created in the layer-1 context, along with the Tezos level at which said inbox has been created.
val adjust_storage_allocation :
t ->
delta:Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Z.t ->
(t * Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Z.t)
adjust_storage_allocation state ~delta
accounts for a change in delta
number of bytes used storage space by a transaction rollup.
A positive delta
indicates that the occupied storage of the rollup increased. A negative delta
indicates that the occupied storage of the rollup decreased.
Along with an updated state, a diff of storage space is returned. The diff is max(0, allocated_storage - (occupied_storage + delta))
. That is, 0 if no new storage was allocated, and the number of bytes allocated otherwise.
This function returns Tx_rollup_errors.Internal_error
if submitted delta
would make occupied_storage
module Internal_for_tests : sig ... end