package tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma
module PVM_kind :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = Sc_rollups.Kind.t
and type t := Raw_context.t
Smart contract rollup.
module Boot_sector :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = string
and type t := Raw_context.t
module Parameters_type :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = Script_repr.lazy_expr
and type t := Raw_context.t
module Initial_level :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = Raw_level_repr.t
and type t := Raw_context.t
module Inbox :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = Sc_rollup_inbox_repr.t
and type t := Raw_context.t
module Last_cemented_commitment :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t
and type t := Raw_context.t
module Stakers :
with type key =
and type value = Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
module Staker_count :
with type key = Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type value = int32
and type t := Raw_context.t
Cache: This should always be the number of entries in Stakers
module Commitments :
with type key = Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t
and type value = Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.t
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
module Commitment_stake_count :
with type key = Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t
and type value = int32
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
Cache: This should always be the number of stakers that are directly or indirectly staked on this commitment.
module Commitment_added :
with type key = Sc_rollup_commitment_repr.Hash.t
and type value = Raw_level_repr.t
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
module Game :
with type key = Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.t
and type value = Sc_rollup_game_repr.t
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
Refutation games are indexed by the rollup and the pair of competing stakers. The staker pair should always be in lexical order to ensure that games are not duplicated.
module Game_timeout :
with type key = Sc_rollup_game_repr.Index.t
and type value = Raw_level_repr.t
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
stores the block level at which the staker whose turn it is to move will (become vulnerable to) timeout. The staker pair should always be in lexical order to ensure that this value is not duplicated.
module Opponent :
with type key =
and type value = Sc_rollup_repr.Staker.t
and type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
stores the current opponent of the staker. This is mainly used to enforce the requirement that each staker should only play one refutation game at a time. It will also be useful for searching for current game by staker.
module Applied_outbox_messages :
with type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type key = int32
and type value = Raw_level_repr.t * Bitset.t
A carbonated storage for keeping track of applied outbox messages for a a SCORU.
module Slot_subscriptions :
with type t = Raw_context.t * Sc_rollup_repr.t
and type key = Raw_level_repr.t
and type value = Bitset.t
An indexed data storage for keeping track of dal slots to which a rollup is subscribed to a given level.