package tezos-protocol-014-PtKathma

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

The type of the inbox for a smart-contract rollup as stored by the protocol in the context. Values that inhabit this type only act as fingerprint for inboxes.

Inbox contents is represented using Raw_context.TREE.trees. (See below.)

val equal : t -> t -> bool

empty level is an inbox started at some given level with no message at all.

val inbox_level : t -> Raw_level_repr.t

inbox_level inbox returns the maximum level of message insertion in inbox or its initial level.

val number_of_available_messages : t -> Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Z.t

number_of_available_messages inbox returns the number of messages that can be consumed in inbox.

val number_of_messages_during_commitment_period : t -> int64

number_of_messages_during_commitment_period inbox returns the number of messages added in the inbox since the beginning of the current commitment period.

val start_new_commitment_period : t -> Raw_level_repr.t -> t

start_new_commitment_period inbox level marks the beginning of a new commitment period at some level.

val starting_level_of_current_commitment_period : t -> Raw_level_repr.t

starting_level_of_current_commitment_period inbox returns the level at the beginning of a current commitment period.

val consume_n_messages : int32 -> t -> t option Tezos_protocol_environment_014_PtKathma.Error_monad.tzresult

consume_n_messages n inbox returns an inbox where n messages have been consumed, or None if there are strictly less than n messages available in inbox.


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